Organisation settings - Backup / export copy of Xero file
Ability to export copies of the Xero org data.
Purpose: Because the ability to export the copy of the Xero file data makes the user more comfortable. In case there’s incident happens.

Hi everyone, we appreciate wanting the ability to create your own back of your data. For individual use, we recommend creating your own backup by exporting the relevant data from Xero - There are many areas of Xero you can export data from and we have an article that details this more.
Protecting your data is important to us. We do daily backups of customer data to safeguard against data corruption and any hosting service failure. However, these backups aren't designed to be used by individual organisations to undo/reverse data changes performed by users in the organisation.
You can read more on Security at Xero on our website.
Being transparent, this isn't something we're looking to develop for individual use ourselves. If of importance to your business, we do have some official app partners who can fulfill this need and you can explore these through our Xero App Store.
Tom Diehl commented
To anyone who thinks this will never happen, Approx. 3 weeks ago had an issue with Xero where multiple documents that were emailed to my Xero account went missing. Tech support's response was something to the effect that they are aware of the problem and waiting for their product team to resolve the issue. They said that they would get back to me when it is resolved. I am still waiting for the response that says this was resolved and the data was recovered. The only solution they could offer for the missing documents was for me to re-send them. The problem with that solution is I do not know what is missing because some documents are sent directly to Xero by vendors. Yesterday I found out that 2 more documents were missing. I realize that having backups would not have helped this particular situation but this just goes to show that if things go missing Xero does not care about data integrity.
If they cannot get email right, how are supposed to have trust in them keeping the actual data safe 100% of the time?
Jason Spark commented
Surely there must be a way to backup our own data. Cant leave this responsibility on a corporation that blatantly says they take no responsibility in their terms. What about for ATO purposes we require this information?
Would have thought this would have ben one of the first functions they would have created.
Tom Diehl commented
In this day and age of ransomware, spyware and disasters being able to backup our own data is critical.
Especially since Xero's terms of service state they are not responsible for data loss. How are we to protect ourselves with out this feature. Oh wait Xero doesn't care about anything that marketing cannot monetise so we will most likely NEVER get this, unless of course Xero marketing realizes that they can advertise it as a feature some other services are lacking.
Peter Drinan commented
I would like to be able to restore if I do something stupid
Richard Perry commented
This seems such a basic and fundamental feature that is missing.
Vince Williams commented
It is always best practise to have a backup.
Why has this been ignored at Xero for so long?
Just do it.
Tarhata Watson commented
It's my money and I want to at least partially keep control of what belongs to me. Even free desktop accounting softwares (such as has a button called "Backup" where the whole company data can be backed up on any cloud I see fit.
For a company who provides financial software solutions, this is not providing the users a sense of security. -
Christine Broughton commented
Financial data is critical to businesses and historical records are required by the ATO. There needs to be a quick and simple way to backup ALL data in Xero files on a regular basis
Waddington Educational Resources commented
Xero are not listening and have not listened or done anything to address core and essential requests for many years. Any reasonable person would think that backups were essential and not something at all that should be left to a third party, which calls into question everything we know about privacy and security. As for not listening, how about Xero start acting on user requests and not rubbish window-dressing? When I look at my default invoices, they still haven't fixed rubbishy looking column widths and splitting/link breaking of email addresses in text lines. What about stock unit costs auto updating based on last in purchase order/billing? What about bundling/kitting of stock items to make a bundled stock item? These heavily asked for things you would have thought could have been fixed more than 6 years ago. But no, Xero increases its charges in the meantime. If I had known their extremely poor commitment to essential product development from the beginning, I would have gone with MYOB.
Sarah Pemberton commented
A complete backup of Xero data including attachments to transactions and documents stored in Xero Files should be standard practice now, for digital records that are the mainstay of accounting records to meet compliance for retention of records for tax purposes.
Xero please elevate this idea to critical.
Peter Woodhouse commented
Absurd to have all the company's operational accounting data in a facility that cannot be backed up. Even Xeros' own details advise you to do so but they don't allow it!
Chris Chia commented
Not being able to backup the files seems to be a critical flaw in a concept of cloud based system.
Hopefully Xero can prioritise this and get this in the up and running
Lizzil Gay commented
Critical to be able to create a 'cloned style' back up from Xero which include user inputed data (such as uploaded receipts etc). As a paid subscription service it seems problematic it isn't already an option.
Mueen Hyder commented
Very important to be able to back up a Xero file.
Roger Kane-Berman commented
In your terms, you are completely indemnified to loss of any kind , make it clear we must have backups, make no mention of the risk our data is under or the backup steps you take. Yet you have no data backup option whilst the data export option is very time-consuming and is not a backup, in the event of data loss.
You state the data is not owned by you, yet it is not possible to download our own data file. Who owns it then?
The options we have are to subscribe to a third party, who has access to Xero and our data, which we don't have access to. We need to incur further costs and complications to access that which is ours. Also giving access to confidential data, protected by onerous laws, to others.
Xero terms:
"We really try to minimise any downtime, but sometimes it’s necessary so we can keep our services updated and secure. You also may have occasional access issues and may experience data loss, so backing up your data is important."
"You also may have occasional access issues and may experience data loss, so backing up your data is important."
"For loss or corruption of your data, our liability will be limited to taking reasonable steps to try and recover that data from our available backups."
"No compensation: Whatever the cause of any downtime, access issues or data loss, your only recourse is to discontinue using our services."
"Data loss: Data loss is an unavoidable risk when using any technology. You’re responsible for maintaining copies of your data entered into our services. For information on how to do that, check out this article on how to export data out of Xero at Xero Central."
"You indemnify us: You indemnify us against all losses, costs (including legal costs), expenses, demands or liability that we incur arising out of, or in connection with, a third-party claim against us relating to your use of our services or any third-party product (except as far as we’re at fault)."
"37. No compensation: Whatever the cause of any downtime, access issues or data loss, your only recourse is to discontinue using our services."
Lizzil Gay commented
To be able to not back up our working file including digital receipt/bill uploads (as opposed to export accounting data) seems crucial to providing a full subscriber service.
Ian Simpson commented
For all the commentors - while it’s not as good as having it built in, there are third party solutions to do this in the Xero App Store.
Bisi Odetunde commented
Dear Xero team
Re. local data backups, please can you prioritise them?
Bisi -
William Windham commented
Dear Xero team
Re. local data backups, please can you prioritise them? This link refers.
Many thanks, Will