Bank Feeds - Foreign Currency Bank Feeds
Ability to set up bank feeds for foreign currency accounts.
Purpose: To save time rather than manually import the statements into Xero. And it’s beneficial for businesses who are dealing with foreign currencies.

Hello everyone, thanks to those who’ve provided detail on the particular bank feeds you’d like to connect foreign currency feeds for.
Moving forward, we’re going to close this idea and encourage starting new ideas for each specific bank - This’ll make it easier for others to understand what they’re adding their support for, and enable our teams to get better insight.
As you’ve mentioned Westpac, we’ve created two separate ideas that can be joined - One for Westpac AU, and another for NZ here.
As for the CBA, you’re now able to connect your foreign currency feed into Xero - Read more on our article here for more information.
If you want other banks to connect with Xero and enable the foreign currency feeds, you can let them know that they can register their interest by filling this form here.
Chris King commented
Hi Xero Team surely this can't be that hard ?? In my opinion it is a real gap in your service levels to not be able to automatically import bank feeds from NZ banks where Xero customers hold non-NZD denominated accounts - why has this feature been overlooked for so long and when will it be put into your development plans ? You charge a premium for the Xero subscription that handles foreign currencies but then don't automatically import the transactions that land in the foreign currency bank accounts themselves - seems like you are resting on your laurels to me and wasn't the auto bank feed your main point of difference when you launched versus MYOB and QuickBooks - please get this done ! Thanks Chris
Nigel Stoke commented
We have several of our paid subscriptions for entities that have US$ and other foreign currency accounts
We need bank feed to update the accounts
At the moment we need to use an external resource to process bank entries..
Reduces the impact and effectiveness of Xero and means we need a manual process to keep on top of our investments and business
doesnt sound too smart for a digital saas program ??
Kris Polson commented
I currently work with three companies that all want a USD Westpac feed.
Another company has been working on connecting CBA and the finance manager has put it on the backburner due to not being able to overcome some technical barriers.
Coretex Chartered Accountants LImited commented
Westpac are currently not supporting bank feeds for currency accounts