Sales Invoices: Add 'Approve and email' to the approve button options at the bottom of invoices
When you hit the approve button for an invoice, there are a number of options, such as approve and add another, or approve and print. I would like to see "approve and email"
Another key point is once an invoice has been emailed, it isn't possible to go straight to adding another invoice, currently it is required to click on sales, then click on 'new invoice'. I think having a direct link to 'add another invoice' would be logical and more efficient.

Snuck under my radar here - Just coming back across now I want to highlight new invoicing to you all here 🙂
If you've had a chance to try the new flow and have permission to approve invoices in an org you can now approve and send all in one action! - See here for more detail and open the demo co. if you'd like a play with it first