BAS - Withholding Payer Number (WPN) without ABN to be accessible in Xero
Ability for a client that only has withholding payer number and no ABN to be able to lodge tax declarations or payment summaries.
Purpose: To easily comply with ATO regulations.

Thanks for engaging and sharing your interest for enabling Xero to support STP and auto super for WPN payer withholders.
We want to be upfront with you all, that there are no plans to support this feature at this time. We understand this may mean looking for alternative solutions that can meet your needs at present. If there's any plans made in the future we'll communicate this through the idea here.
Alison Falkingham commented
Surely this would be an easy upgrade. The payroll bones are there, just need to be able to use WPN instead of ABN (unless of course it is the ATO end that is being difficult)
Please relook at this, it will save so much time for bookkeepers and money for the client.
Thank you -
Anna Hughes commented
Very much in need of this feature so client's household staff can be managed via Xero.
Freya Pieroz commented
It being that time of year when we prepare payment summaries, I'd like to note that every single embassy in Canberra is currently preparing all those payment summaries for all their employees manually. Embassies are not entitled to ABNs because they're not Australian businesses, so they must have WPNs in order to forward PAYG to the ATO on their employees' behalf. Being unable to do what entities entitled to ABNs can do means they're wasting an appalling amount of time.
Freya Pieroz commented
Sarcastic yay for no embassies in Australia being able to use Xero
Clover Melville commented
Many people now employ a nanny and it is law come 1 July 2023 to use STP for WPN payer witholders.
It's a bit of a sad case scenario that society and companies are still not catering to women in the workforce.
Karen Goodman commented
Without this update using Xero is a waste of time for these clients
Tarmizi Hamid commented
The ability of Xero to provide a feature for Employers with WPN to do STP reporting starting 1 July 2023.
"The employers with WPN are exempted from STP reporting for all financial years from 2018-19 to 2022-23. However, the employers need to start reporting these payments through STP from 1 July 2023" - ATO
Joe Gaspar commented
Xero payroll to include WPN only holders to submit STP. Currently self managed NDIS clients cannot access STP without an ABN.
With the deadline approaching, a definitive indication from Xero as to whether this will be an option or not would be appreciated. -
Joe Gaspar commented
With the extension ending June 30 2023, it would be good to know if this is a function that is actually going to happen in Xero.
Tamara Hocking commented
Ability to create a Xero File for a client who has a WPN and not an ABN. Need to be able to process a clients payroll for an employee when they have a WPN and are not required to have an ABN.
Sharleen Effendy commented
Ability for employers with a Withholding Payer Number (WPN) but without an ABN to create and lodge payment summary annual report in xero payroll file.
Rachel Ivic commented
Absolutely need this for clients in NDIS who have employees. Clients have a WPN not ABN. Need to be able to use Xero super and STP
Rachel Ivic commented
Ability for employers with a Withholding Payer Number (WPN) but without an ABN to use the features of single touch payroll and Xero Super.
In particular for NDIS participants who are self managing by paying employees but not required to have an ABN -
Karen Barraclough commented
Makes life easier at year end as no paper copy requirements.