Conversion Balances - Delete Conversion Balance
The ability to delete conversion balance after it’s entered in Xero.
Purpose: Deleting conversion balance will make user have more ability to make a proper corrections
Nadishani Pathirage commented
Currently there is no option to delete a conversion balance journal posted by Xero. If we want to reverse that journal, we need to delete all conversion balances and make them Xero, get rid of all the lines and save it. Then need to re-enter conversion balances again. It would be much easier if there is an option to delete the journal from the journal screen, and then we can go to conversion balances screen and make changes, and then Xero would post a new journal.
Isabella Parisi commented
I need to delete the conversion balance for Jet Convert to be able to convert into an existing file - as it has to be completely empty of data for this to work. Considering there is no way to delete these, alternatively I was recommended to change the balances to 0.00. But there is no edit option available when clicking into the item?
Paul Dumaguin commented
I suggest that if it is not easy to delete a conversion balance inadvertently created there should be a message prompt telling user about it so the user will have to think twice.
faruk kilickaya commented
how can we delete conversion balances journals.?
Ganesh GV commented
how can we delete conversion balances journals.?