Projects: Reporting - Bills assigned to a Project
Ability to to show periods of bills that haven't been matched to a Xero project.
Purpose: to confirm that all bills are being assigned to properly to Project.

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience. Ability to view bills that have not been assigned to a project is now live to 100% of users.
To access this feature;
- Click the 3 dot drop down menu from the Bills list screen
- Select 'Bills not assigned to projects'
You'll be taken to a page where you c an select the date range for viewing bills that have not been assigned to a project in your organisation, where you can then edit and assign each bill.
Alternatively, go to Projects and select Add > Expenses from bill to get to the same screen.On a separate note - taking on your recent feedback I do want to confirm that this feature is limited to Bills at present and does not extend to Sales invoices.
We understand the importance of being able to make use and understand dates associated to projects - We made some updates to our help over the past few months to explain the dates used when reporting on Projects. When it comes to sales invoices assigned to Projects these will be reported based on the date of the invoice, when the revenue is realised. To capture both dates at which an expense and revenue related to a single project is realised you'll need to run the report for a date range to view both the expenses (billed) date and revenue (invoiced) date.
Benji Lee commented
hope to add the new feature in Hong Kong organization
tony Kirkhope commented
Any idea of timing re Victoria region?
Josh Buesking commented
Hopefully it show's everything that can be assigned to a project.
I have a feeling though it's going to come up short and not give is 100% what we need. Not want but NEED!
jon Allen commented
re Working on it · Kelly Munro (Community Manager, Xero) responded
· May 02, 2023I hope this will include sales invoices too - there are two parts to project reporting.
jon Allen commented
Re Leona Kelly commented
· May 03, 2023 14:38To clarify - originally everything reported on "post to project" dates. Now , unless something has changed in the last couple of weeks, project details sales invoices does not show sales after the "to date" and back dated into the "from to period" because the date filter does not use the accounting date. This was also the case for bills but subsequently corrected. The project financials report works on accounting date but does not show bills that have been allocated to budgets (projected expenses) individually. So if you want to check to the GL account you run project financials for sales check and project details for costs check. I have no idea why sales was not amended when bills were for the project details report but that change only happened relatively recently.
Ideal solution would have been to get the financials to show individual bills so at least you get a detailed list of both to check off in one report.
When the GL report showing project details is released in UK the totals should check to the financials report once any unallocated bills or sales are corrected.
If you have found something else please do let me know. Ticking off entries across our 50+ projects is a pain
Leona Kelly commented
How do we leave feedback please?
Note: a comment below states incorrectly "Projects unfortunately works on the date that the invoice was posted to the project - not at all relevant and it is a massive pain. It would appear the many years ago they integrated the Projects software they did not understand the importance of accounting date.
In fact they did not appreciate that the function of the Projects system is as a reporting tool for the accounts package and so needs to tie into the general ledger. Se above we have been waiting several YEARS for some way to reconcile what is in projects to the general ledger." this isn't what i've seen when using the projects reports
Leona Kelly commented
UK based - We must be able to run a exception report for expenses that have not been assigned to a project. Even if we could run a GL transaction report with a column for "project" we could easily identify the expenses that have not been allocated.
The delivery of this request is a start but don't feel that the result is finished yet. Looking forward to future updates
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
Hi, Thank you @Kelly.
This is different to this idea but will there be a way for us to allocate a bill item to multiple projects? For example, I order 4 of everything but I only need 1 per project. At the moment it is really annoying that I either can only apply the line item to one project, or I have to divide the price and make 4 times the amount of line items and the assign each line item to the correct project.
Another issue is that even though the item is assigned to projects, nothing has affected the stock count. There is no way we can see the stock has been allocated to a job from an inventory perspective.
Anne Lensink commented
Can we please get an update on the progress? Thank you
Daniel (OV) Harvey commented
@Kelly Does this include improvements to the APIs?
Terrena Helyar commented
Arrrrgggghhhh....such an essential thing and yet it still hasn't been sorted by the looks of it......disappointing.
My backup is to also use the tracking codes as you can run a report to show what hasn't been tracked against any jobs. I then check it against the items showing in projects and make sure everything is in both. This is easiest when you do monthly billing.
Shahiq Sarkar commented
If this can be prioritised, thanks.
Samantha Thorburn commented
Hello. What is the status of this please, would be great to have this up and working correctly for the new financial year. I thought it was being rolled out in the 90 day roadmap back in November's update? Thanks heaps
Pauline Sargisson commented
@Ashling Nulty - I got caught out with this when first using projects. Its super dumb. I use a work around where I filter by dates up to the date I know I have closed off Payables for the prior month then just remove any for the new month that I dont want to include. Thata captures any prior month invoices that were processed after actual end of month date
jon Allen commented
Projects unfortunately works on the date that the invoice was posted to the project - not at all relevant and it is a massive pain. It would appear the many years ago they integrated the Projects software they did not understand the importance of accounting date.
In fact they did not appreciate that the function of the Projects system is as a reporting tool for the accounts package and so needs to tie into the general ledger. Se above we have been waiting several YEARS for some way to reconcile what is in projects to the general ledger.
chris payne commented
Given that realistically it doesn't look like xero are making any real progress on this has anyone found or previously used software that does this appropriately? This is becoming a bigger and bigger need for me and I'd like to make a switch sooner rather than later. Thanks
Josh Buesking commented
It’s because projects is a module with a separate database that gets data written to and not part of the actual software.
The majority of all issues with projects is due to this.
Ashling Nulty commented
Oh ok, I thought I was going mad!!! Makes no sense at all and will def lead to mis reporting...
Melanie Knowles commented
Invoices get added to the project on the date that they have been added - not the invoice date. Its incredibly frustrating when you have forgotten to allocate the invoice! I have raised this issue with xero, I'm hoping that this will be an issue that gets addressed in future updates.
Ashling Nulty commented
HI can I ask a question re Project reporting, when I run a report for project details dated 31.12.22 only the invoices process pre 31.12.22 appear to be pulling in, so I have more invoices dated in Dec but not process until early Jan that dont pull in, has anyone else had this issue? When I then run the same report dated end Jan, they do pull in and are dated Dec, anyone any ideas?