Projects: Reporting - Bills assigned to a Project
Ability to to show periods of bills that haven't been matched to a Xero project.
Purpose: to confirm that all bills are being assigned to properly to Project.

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience. Ability to view bills that have not been assigned to a project is now live to 100% of users.
To access this feature;
- Click the 3 dot drop down menu from the Bills list screen
- Select 'Bills not assigned to projects'
You'll be taken to a page where you c an select the date range for viewing bills that have not been assigned to a project in your organisation, where you can then edit and assign each bill.
Alternatively, go to Projects and select Add > Expenses from bill to get to the same screen.On a separate note - taking on your recent feedback I do want to confirm that this feature is limited to Bills at present and does not extend to Sales invoices.
We understand the importance of being able to make use and understand dates associated to projects - We made some updates to our help over the past few months to explain the dates used when reporting on Projects. When it comes to sales invoices assigned to Projects these will be reported based on the date of the invoice, when the revenue is realised. To capture both dates at which an expense and revenue related to a single project is realised you'll need to run the report for a date range to view both the expenses (billed) date and revenue (invoiced) date.
Mark Spencer commented
In reply to Chris Paulson's comment:
Chris, would you share which software you moved to? I am interested in finding out about other alternatives.
Thank you. -
Sofia Perkins commented
In reply to Chris Paulson's comment:
Chris, would you care to share which software you moved to? I am interested in finding out about other alternatives.
Thank you. -
Mark Spencer commented
Great. This capability also needs to be reflected in the APIs not just the user interface please
Christopher Paulson commented
Hi Xero,
As others have noted, it is extremely important from a reconciliation standpoint to be able to link ALL items assigned to a project in the General Ledger transaction reports (not merely vendor bills), and to also have the General Ledger account code/name in a project report.
This would enable daily or weekly running of a transaction or P&L report specifically filtered to find 'unassigned transactions', being those that were not assigned to a project.
This missing feature specifically, and the inability to allocate actual payroll labour costs into a project, are the reasons why we had to move away from Xero. We had no way to track our true project P&L.
We will come back to Xero if this is fixed.
Thank you
Richelle Wilson commented
Hi Xero
It's extremely important from a reconciliation perspective to be able to link items assigned to a project in the General Ledger transaction reports, and to also have the General Ledger account code/name in a project report . From a higher level to be able to check that project transactions are coded to the correct accounts is a vital reconciliation tool.
Could you please provide an update on how far away you are on this one.
Thank you
Richelle -
Karen Archer commented
It is quite easy to think you have ticked and assigned a bill / invoice to a project but is you don't also click assign, it doesn't do it. I have done this when I am busy or I have to process many bills or invoices. It would be really helpful to have this feature.
Yumei Lin commented
Such a great news. I hope this also work in the Find and Recode where we can assign or amend a project to the bills in one click.
jon Allen commented
Hi Kelly
Great news - I hope. I recall I received the same notification (or I think it was actually a working on it) from you over a year ago in the old system of requests / problems.
Please campaign for a resolution to this. Basic functionality is so much more important than tinkering with presentation.
Justin Papu commented
Assigning PO & Bills to Projects is absolutely essential for my operation. I hope this goes into "Working On It" as soon as possible
Sandy Prain commented
Hooray! Hopefully, given this has been flagged for years now, it will be developed quickly
Lisa Lines commented
I think this is the first feature I'm desperate for to actually get looked at. To say I'm excited is quite the understatement. Being able to see what hasn't been assigned to a project will save me so much time and agro!
Alison Blackwood commented
This is great news! I can just imagine the cheers in the quarterly update when this finally gets rolled out! :-D
Pauline Sargisson commented
Thanks Kelly for the progress report, it would be great to see this crucial feature done promptly instead of some of the other changes that are nothing short of annoying! New purchases/bills view is AWFUL!!!
Dave Tranckle commented
Let’s hope that you can develop this swiftly!
Shirley Rhodes commented
Hi Kelly, this is such a relief to know you will be doing this. As you can see from all the comments it is ESSENTIAL when using Projects to be able to run a report which shows all bills and where they have been assigned, if at all! Please prioritise this and keep us posted. Thanks, Shirley
Josh Buesking commented
Exciting news!
Everyone do not stop putting pressure on them. This is MANDATORY to the entire concept of using projects and needs done ASAP! Like drop everything and get it done.
Thanks for acknowledging the need Kelly!
Iain Corby commented
Thank you - this is excellent news. Being able to review bills and expenses and see to which, if any, project they have been recharged would be a great first step. Easily then assigning them to projects where they may have been missed would be even better!
Sandy Prain commented
This is crucial! Please Xero fix this! Stop making improvements to things that already work and fix the ability to see what has not been assigned to a project. I find it hard to believe that only 162 have voted for this?
Kris Sparks commented
@Lee Grant - hi Lee, no I didn't receive any mail - could you try and send again? Kris
Hayley Loenneker commented
Come on xero this needs to happen i would use this report every week numerous times after data entry to make sure that i am charging everything back. NEED THIS ASAP!!!!