Projects: Reporting - Bills assigned to a Project
Ability to to show periods of bills that haven't been matched to a Xero project.
Purpose: to confirm that all bills are being assigned to properly to Project.

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience. Ability to view bills that have not been assigned to a project is now live to 100% of users.
To access this feature;
- Click the 3 dot drop down menu from the Bills list screen
- Select 'Bills not assigned to projects'
You'll be taken to a page where you c an select the date range for viewing bills that have not been assigned to a project in your organisation, where you can then edit and assign each bill.
Alternatively, go to Projects and select Add > Expenses from bill to get to the same screen.On a separate note - taking on your recent feedback I do want to confirm that this feature is limited to Bills at present and does not extend to Sales invoices.
We understand the importance of being able to make use and understand dates associated to projects - We made some updates to our help over the past few months to explain the dates used when reporting on Projects. When it comes to sales invoices assigned to Projects these will be reported based on the date of the invoice, when the revenue is realised. To capture both dates at which an expense and revenue related to a single project is realised you'll need to run the report for a date range to view both the expenses (billed) date and revenue (invoiced) date.
Lisa Lines commented
How do you see what they do deem worthy of working on please?
Matt Fletcher commented
Been desperate for this for simply ages. It would save me at least 2 hours per week... plus probably some lost income for items not charged back to clients. Doing this all manually is extremely time consuming and involves lots of Excel exporting importing and sorting.
Seems like a fairly quick report template for Xero to develop...Come on Xero your disciples are desperate!
Josh Buesking commented
It's not even on their radar or tagged under consideration.
Josh Buesking commented
Like I've said it's not an accounting module without this.
I'm not sure if having to manually check and verify everything takes more time inside xero than just exporting all transactions and manually tracking them in a speadsheet.
All i've been able to do is add all my cogs up and then compare to my project expenses report and hope the number is relatively close.
Lisa Lines commented
Completely agree Pauline. They really do not seem to listen to customers at all. It's incredibly frustrating
Pauline Sargisson commented
Is anyone else sick of Xero spending money changing things that worked perfectly well before (contacts area, draft bills) but NOT doing anything about something as critical as being able to run a decent accounting report for Projects?! They are happy to charge a lot of extra money for it - my relatively small client pays well over $100 a month for this feature alone - but seem to be ignoring any development. It seems to be just one extra reporting field in the AP report that is required. COME ON XERO!!!!
Toby Hellard Timm commented
My requirement is simple. All non-overhead costs should be allocated to a project (my business has few invoices so spotting any not allocated is usually easy). I want to run a report which shows those costs not allocated. Currently I have to plough through them manually...
Lee Grant commented
@kris sparks - did you ever get my email ? I was looking to use your workaround idea
lee -
Ross McGregor commented
Our team incurs expenses for client projects which are ultimately recoverable from the clients, but we cannot wait until the client pays to reimburse our team.
Once we have reimbursed our team, the costs they have incurred are no longer available to be added to the client invoice, so we need to be able to run a GL transaction report that includes the 'Assigned to' field so we can see which client project it belongs to.
Why this is not possible is completely beyond me!
Mark Spencer commented
Project Financial Reports are meaningless unless we have some way to check for invoices which were sent without an assigned Project.
All our work is Project based and therefore all our invoices should be assigned to a project.
It is not possible to set the Project field on an invoice to "mandatory" and therefore some invoices are sent out without an assigned project. Human error!
We need Project Financial Reports for Sales data (the whole point of projects) but the data is not reliable currently because invoices are sometimes sent out without an assigned project.
Lisa O'Sullivan commented
we use hubdoc so I have dumped all the project costs into a word doc as it wont paste to an excel sheet and am going to check them off against the hubdoc list to ensure they are assigned! I can choose the dates on hubdoc to help filter from the start of a project.
This is a real pain and very time consuming, Xero isn't cheap they need to sort this fuctionality out asap.
Josh Buesking commented
Guys this has been requested for years, I think the old user idea platform had it starting around 2018.
It's not happening and if it does most of us will be retired.
Only work around I can find is running a report of project costs then comparing it to a account report. Then when you find they don't match going through each transaction looking for something.
Once you get it balanced I'd suggest doing this very frequently so you don't have much of time period to find an error.
Shirley Rhodes commented
I completely agree. This is a fundamental part of the projects app which I pay lots of money for. We should be able to see all the bills that have been assigned a project and any bills that have been unassigned. I am currently reconciling budgets for my client and it's only because I know the project that I know a cost should have hit the project. As my team grows, I will be less involved in the delivery and I perhaps won't pick up on missed items.
Please please please ensure this reporting function is created a priority.
Joseph Carnuccio commented
It doesn't make sense to me to have a projects app, that doesn't incorporate a billing system. This would be a very welcomed update.
Kris Sparks commented
Hi Lee - yes, feel free to get in touch..
Yumei Lin commented
I think it would be great, if this is also available in "Find and Recode" tool in the near future! :)
Lee Grant commented
Hi Kris
I may well send you an email , it doesn't look like this issue is being resolved anytime soon.
Lee -
Nina Thomas commented
Important - I would like to use Xero Projects for reporting in our shareholders meeting, and this would bring more confidence to do so.
Kris Sparks commented
Hi Jon - I had pretty much come to the same conclusion but you've obviously got further in your discussions with xero than I have. Would be great to catchup off line as I've done some work arounds in XL that are pretty clunky but based on xero response (or lack of it) may be worth pursuing.. feel free to mail if interested on : kos at kostech dot co dot uk
jon Allen commented
Last year I spoke to a person tasked with resolving the issues - but that was about a year ago - nothing came of that. Then I joined the research team which was launched and forgotten just as quickly. Sum total of the participation - "you in - welcome to the research team"
I believe there is a fundamental problem with the way Projects was added to Xero which is really difficult to resolve. I spent some time with a Xero consultant who would build any report I required but sadly none of the Projects data fields were accessible through the API. I live in hope they find a way to make this work and one day I will wake up to a report which matches the reporting standards in the rest of Xero - an accounting system which is brilliant