ANZ Credit Card Bank Feed Information - Payee shows in description column
At present when reconciling ANZ credit card bank feeds the Payee name is shown in the description column as opposed to the Payee Field. The only workaround to this issue is to setup a bank rule. As a result of this issue, all non bank rule transactions show with "unknown" in the "To" field of a spend money transaction. Come on ANZ you can do better! please fix this.

Hi everyone, the transaction info imported into Xero is provided directly by the bank.
How each bank imports data into Xero differs between them, which is why some banks import how you like, and others (ie. ANZ credit cards) don't.
Though we can appreciate how working with ANZ to change where the payee imports would be helpful, it'd require massive changes for all customers who've already set up bank rules.
With this being said, we've decided to close this request as we aren't looking to change how this info imports at this time.
Always welcome to reach out to support if you'd like some help setting up bank rules instead 🙂