Sales Invoices - Set defaults for attach PDF and send a copy in new invoicing
Auto select option to attach a PDF copy of the sales invoice by default.
Purpose: Save time having to manually tick the option to include PDF when sending an invoice in new invoicing

Hi everyone, returning now a few months on from our last update we're going to move this idea to 'Delivered' with the change the team made to default to include a PDF of the invoice when sending an invoice from Xero when using new invoicing.
We understand there's a secondary need being asked within this one idea that we'd like to continue to gather feedback and support for and have sprung up a new idea for the ability to default include files attached to an invoice when sending from Xero - If this is what you're after please do join and add your support there too.
A somewhat similar but slightly different need bought up by some is the ability to auto include specific files when sending from Xero - For example Terms & conditions that have been created as a separate file.
You'll find this has been created by another user in Product Ideas and you're welcome to support in this too.
Again, thank you for all your inputs here and sharing your personal 'ideal state' - we appreciate your feedback, it helps us to continue to shape the future of invoicing at Xero.
Valentina Nastase commented
Hi all,
Hast this been resolved? Is there anything we can tick for the invoice PDF to be attached automatically?
Jenny Mackintosh commented
We need to attached a PDF to every invoice that goes out to comply with the Construction Contracts Act, its painful having to manually attached it every time.
Thanks -
Evanthe Dunn commented
Is this Xero preparing for blockchain accounting?
Chris Peyton commented
There’s an ever increasing demand for pdf. I’d like all invoices sent to go out with a PDF attachment for the purpose of sending through to HubDoc and Dext for example. My clients are trying automate their payments.
Gareth Foster commented
What happens if its a repeating invoice? Is the PDF attached by default too?
Roderick Bell commented
Can invoice reminders be sent as PDF's not links?
Jaxon Taylor commented
Thank you, my Xero is still not selecting attaching PDF's as default. Is there a checkbox or something we need to activate?
James Goodridge commented
Thanks Kelly, I've been reading the comments come through since I last posted and I believe most are aligned. Most invoices we issue require four accompanying files. We attach them, wait for them to upload (large files) and then two clicks on every row adds them to be sent. A related nuisance is that there's a very small area available for the click so you have to be really precise/diligent with every row - so it's a very slow, methodical and precise 8 clicks, or a hurried 8-16 clicks. It might not sound much but it can take 15-20 seconds, so over a couple hundred invoices it adds about an hour. It's worse in that it really breaks up the rhythm to have to play a game of operation after every invoice ;) Seriously though, it's a form of context switching that impacts your concentration and it's one more thing to remember. I really hope this gets on your roadmap soon.
Stuart Herring commented
I'm adding to this comment again...
Three rejected invoices in four days from government and corporate clients all stating the same.
"Please send invoices only in PDF format. Our policy and security protocols are to reject any email with a hyperlink in it for any invoice sent"
all of these because I forgot to tick the box and send the PDF.
Xero is is fundamental and critical to business operations. Please expedite getting this fixed.
Lloyd Laruffa commented
Some debtors will not recognise an invoice link due to scammers and a pdf MUST be supplied... no questions.
One cannot possibly simply remember the growing list of clients doing the same, so the option to send a pdf version should be a basic staple with the possibility of making it a default setting as per classic invoicing- for quotes, invoices, statements, credit notes etc etc. -
Katrin Struben commented
Instead of selecting "add invoice as PDF" we need this to be set up as default and only deselect if we don't want to attach as pdf.
Adina Levy commented
It seems absolutely ludicrous that such a basic invoice feature would be removed. My use case is auto emailing invoices through Zapier. I want (need!) PDF attachments rather than link, or option for both.
Ty Wilson-Brown commented
This is really important to us. We need a streamlined workflow where the Zero iOS app automatically marks files as "send with invoice", and then when the invoice is sent, those files are attached as PDFs.
We're happy to change the default settings once, but if we have to change them for each file or invoice, someone will forget.
Tony Guillen commented
This is vital to our business as we have one particular customer who owes us thousands of pounds and they say they have not seen our invoices and this has only just come to light that they have data capture
Elaine Barrett commented
Ditto what everyone else is saying - it's a considerable step backwards when it is something that all of our clients require. OK the answer could be Remember to tick the box but it only needs missing once in a blue moon to upset a client.
T'Anne Mills commented
If not "by default", the ability to set the preference in the customer details would be great. We use an automated system to import invoices that relies on PDF attachments.
Ian Firth commented
Also the option to default "send me a copy" please
Ian Thomson commented
As below. Being able to attach the invoice is way more of a usable feature than a link to a web invoice. PDF attachements are our go to everywhere and forgetting to click the link is having uor payments delayed - which for a thin margin, long invoice payment time buisness like ours is actually quite harmful. For the sake of clicking a box!
Calliope Plumbing commented
We have certain clients that require a PDF version of the invoice, as the organisation does not allow the use of links.
Would be useful feature to be able to default the attachment on certain clients that require the PDF. -
Renee Irwin commented
This is a very important feature that is missing from new invoicing, I will continue to use classic invoicing until this has been updated.
We also have clients who like new invoicing, but have reverted back to classic because of the pdf issue.