Xero Blue | Global Search - Search Contacts by address
Ability to search contacts by address and phone number.
Purpose: To have more options for users to search their contacts in Xero.

Hey community,
Just following on from our last update, this is being rolled out - you'll have it now or in the next few days!
You can now use the global search function to find contacts by Address line 1 - 4 as well as Postcode/Zip code. I’ve attached a screenshot so you can see it action
Thanks again for all the comments and feedback around this idea, for more on this change, check out our Xero Central support article.
Rachelle Ruland commented
Search by address function is critical for my business. At the moment to search for a customer by address I have our contacts exported into an excel spreadsheet that I refer to every time a customer orders. Flipping from Excel to Xero is time consuming and if I am away from my PC, impossible to search by address. It's a BASIC functionality that should be implemented.
jonathan freeman commented
I agree. You should be able to search by address using the phone app. Such a basic function.
Claire Rope commented
A client has just asked me to request that the search function include addresses as they are a building contractor that will remember an address more readily than a person's name or phone number.
Gatepower Pty Ltd commented
Our business works on job sites, mainly residential homes whose owners change hands. Often I'm asked what price, materials etc were used on that job. If I can't remember the old owner's name (who was originally invoiced) I can't let the new owner know any history about the original installation. Please reinstate this feature! Why was it removed?
Peter Riddell commented
I think I've seen one technical reason for not following through on a request. It's usually been "not enough users have subscribed to the comment" (implying most people are happy or have found a workaround) or "it's on the list to look at" but never with any time frame behind it. The only time I recall them saying there was a technical reason was something to do with the available fields which have to be considered and planned so that they work with the providers of integrated Apps which seems like the cart driving the horse. I'm currently looking at Unleashed as an add-on which hopefully fills the gaps in inventory management, accepts multiple delivery addresses, incorporates separate templates for proforma invoicing, order confirmations and delivery/packing lists, but may fall short on the search facilities.
Sue Van Pelt commented
Just wondering - has anyone actually been given a technical reason by Xero as to why we have such limited search capabilities?
Tiffany Flynn commented
Couldn't agree more with Lorrie Kelly! It is critical to be able to search by customer address.
Lorrie Kelly commented
Many of our customers are address only - they have no phone number or email as they are construction sites. As a service based business, being able to search by postcode is not something 'nice to have' it is critical to our workflow. After having used Sage for many years where you could search by address, postcode, or any part of the customer record - using Xero for the past year has become incredibly frustrating when trying to find some customer records.
Kay Richards commented
Often we are only supplied the customers address or phone number and to be able to search for the address in the contacts would be a real asset and time saver.
We decided not to change to Xero due to no address search facility as there was no benefit to be achieved with changing so we will stick with what we currently use and if the address search does become available we will reconsider. -
Peter Henderson commented
Hi Currently we can only search via names, i need the ability to quickly find customers details especially if they are waiting on the phone. searching by address or mobile phone is vitally important to my business
Paul Fox commented
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
Please add this feature the limited search is not practical at all.
Peter Riddell commented
Not a requirement for us, but may be useful once multiple addresses are added.
Ann Jones commented
Please enable users to search Contacts by address fields, at least postcode. Not being able to do this makes our daily workload much greater. It takes so much time trying to find customers in Contacts. If we could search on Surname and Postcode, for example, we would have an instant hit. Not all our customers have an email to search on and it is surprising how often they change their telephone numbers, so we cannot reliably search on those fields. 50% of our Contacts are created via our website connector so if a customer describes themselves as E.M. Smith then that is what their Contact name is. Then, if on another occasion they phone to make an order and say their name is Eddie Smith and we cannot find them, we have to try E. Smith, E Smith, Mr. Smith, Mr. Edward Smith, Mr. Eddie Smith, Eddie Smith, Mr Edward Smith, Mr Eddie Smith, etc. etc. All the while the customer is saying try this, try that. Other customers are waiting for us to answer the phone. Yes, it's tedious to read through this, imagine how tedious it is to work like this every day! The customers think they are being helpful providing us with a postcode only for us to say, sorry, we cannot search on postcodes with our invoicing system. And so the drudgery continues. Please enable searching by postcode and preferably any part of the Address field.
Marion Nitschke commented
It would be great to search on addresses and phone numbers. This helps when you take calls and are away from your PC.
Di LM commented
I desperately need this. We deal with a company that has 100's of customers on their books. I am sick and tired having to go through everyone to find a customer attached under the umbrella of 1 company. Our last accounting software we used we could do this with. Put in an address, phone number and there it was. This is an absolute game changer not having this feature. Such a basic feature should already be set up on Xero. We are now in talks with our accountants to find a new accounting software or go back to the one we had! Such a shame as Xero does have many good features, but if a business can't use it to their advantage. whats the point!
Claire Whitehead commented
I want to know how many clients I have in different countries. Pretty important for tax purposes...
Nicole Marchant commented
Would be sensible to be able to search through contacts via ANY of the tabs - name - address - phone number - or email - not JUST by name. Surely it can't be that hard to add a search by other fields.
Andrew Watson commented
I need this! My boss keeps asking me to do invoices for an address and he can't remember the contact name which is the only thing it searches for! Why is this not possible...
Will Hardie commented
Being able to Search a customer contact information by using any of their info.
For example, If you cannot remember the customers name, but you know (some/all) of their info, then you can enter their address/contact number and Xero should automatically filter until it brings up the contact you need.