Contact - Notes section that's visible within all screens of contact's record
Ability to have a notes section in the Contact’s record.
Purpose: Users can easily add extra notes about their contacts.

Hi everyone, as noted in my recent update Additional notes for a Contact is now live to 100% of organisations. A quick recap - You’ll find this new feature located at the bottom of the Contact details section, when adding or editing a Contact. It’ll be visible in the Add/Edit screen, and from the right panel of a Contact’s record.
There are some asks through this idea that go beyond this release such as;
- Viewing notes from the Contact List
- Ability to export/import additional notes
- Sales Invoices - Pop-up reminder of notes
If you're interested in these features please join and support them. It’d be good to get a refreshed sense of the interest in each. You're also welcome to start a new idea for additional functionality - Our product teams will bear these in mind as they continue to develop across Xero. Thanks again for all contributing, and helping us develop this feature.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
Can there be 2 notes sections one that is 'general' and can be viewed when viewing the contact and an 'important' one that comes up every time creating an invoice for them and is pulled through on the aged debtor report as well as being viewed when viewing the contact.
Di Ward commented
I agreed having the notes against invoices show on the aged debt report is a must and would save so much time when doing our debtor reviews
Jane Seabridge commented
Can the notes be pulled through on aged receivable report
Masterweave Textiles commented
This would be great if it could pop up when generating an invoice for a specific customer. Xero will then just about have won us over to stay!
Elizabeth Heather commented
We really need to be able to edit or delete notes. We have clients with work that arrives for us where a certain percentage can be done immediately and invoiced and the remaining work is left 'pending' which can't be invoiced. I need to be able to edit notes with the date of the entire clients work arrival, and then edit the note for jobs done and jobs still pending which changes on a weekly/monthly basis. At the moment because I can't edit or delete notes, all I can do is keep adding more and more notes to the clients file which is messy and frustrating for myself and other team members to navigate.
Sherri Mackey commented
Having "Notes" ONLY show added notes would be helpful. It shows "activity" like when an invoice was sent - why? There is a specific Activity tab. We add notes to all client regularly and when it includes so much other stuff that is not manually added by our Accounting Department, its hard to see critical notes what were entered as they get scrolled down with other non-Note information.
VWA Credit Control commented
The lack of this function is becoming more and more frustrating as we get more notes required on our contacts. Even the ability to pin a note to the top of the notes section, and edit it would seem a standard option, but doesn't exist. Notes just get pushed further and further down the list as you raise invoices etc, and are lost from immediate sight, hence the requests for a visible notes section in the contact box. Either option would be helpful in the short term.
Surely its easy enough to add the skype field back but re-name it 'note' as it had free text and the space needed. Or change the fax field to the same format.
Neil Hartley commented
To me this is quite a basic function.
Unless I remember the name of every person in each contact I have on Xero (which is maintained by numerous people at my workplace) then I can't know if my document is being sent to a buyer, an accounts member or a service dept.There have been quite a few replies since the admin response that this is not in scope. Is there threshold for it to be re-reviewed?
Neil -
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
A note section in the Contacts record would be highly useful. Being able to have the notes time stamped as well would be good for tracking information.
In addition a notes section pop up (if elected) when a new invoice is raised to a customer would be highly useful, e.g. "Purchase order required".
It would also be very good to have be able to select different email addresses for when bills are sent compared to the email address for invoices. For example, we have a couple of contacts that are both a supplier and a customer and they have a different email address that bills need to be sent to compared to the email address they need the invoices to be sent to. This can be easily forgotten as there is no reminder that pops up when generating a bill or invoice and there is no option to select which email address is used for what.
Josie Rowe commented
Need notes section in the Contacts record. We would use this to log additional information relating to our sub contractors that we pay through Xero.
Also an emergency contact details box on payroll employees would be useful. -
Mark Mitchell commented
A simple text box for notes regarding invoices on the contacts invoice page would be extremely useful. It does not need to be a permanent record. We collect some payments by direct debit, so a note to say a dd collection is setup and the date of collection would save time.
Jackie Motta commented
Additional to everyone's suggestions, this notes section should pop up (if elected) when a new invoice to that customer is raised. MYOB has/had this feature, which we used for messages like "Purchase order required".
Pauline Jewsbury commented
Having a notes field in Contacts Record would be invaluable as particularly now that Xero have removed the Skype field that many of us were using as a free form notes space that is editable, there is currently no where we can put Contact specific notes against a Contact that is visible on the main contact page along with addresses, phone numbers etc.
VWA Credit Control commented
Yes, that is a good idea Michelle Papamichael - I make a note then do something and need to add to it but cant.
I also need a mandatory PO tick box or something, will do a search for a thread on that.
Michelle Papamichael commented
Would also be ideal to be able to "Edit" notes or have the ability to delete old irrelevant notes or have fixed notes and editable notes that only certain users can change notes.
Elizabeth Ryan commented
So frustrating that the Skype field has been removed (have all our previous notes here been deleted also Xero?) without adding in a notes feature that is visible when you go into a contact. Come on Xero, a critical part of bookkeeping is good record keeping in my opinion & not having a notes field makes this very difficult in your software.
VWA Credit Control commented
Same @Victoria London - I use the first name for their name, and surname I put in a job description, or 'booking contact' so I can see who is who. Such a pain when we have the initial email set to an auto PDF bill uploader address, and you have a separate one to contact for queries, but cant see it initially.
Victoria London commented
Just taking a moment to say that I need to see at a glance the contacts in a record, especially when doing credit control. It's a little silly that I can't see anyone but the first contact, and I have no idea who they are.
Additionally the notes system is just a mess, it's unusable! I keep these things in Excel as it's better for these notes. It shouldn't be this clunky!
VWA Credit Control commented
We have varied payment terms, the standard drop down options do not cover '21 days prior to commencement' and there is no option to bespoke so another reason we need to note the terms in a more prominent position. a general decent size notes box is really a necessity judging by the other comments this is getting.
Wendy Robertson commented
really need this as a lot of my clients have customers with very specific billing requirements and to have these noted on the relevant contact would be so helpful. we would need them to show in the side panel when you are creating an invoice etc.