Contacts - Show information on one page
The edit contact format has recently been changed and I now have to click through multiple tabs to edit and view contact info. This is much more time consuming. I would like to be able to edit and view all contact info on one page.

Hi all, returning now a few weeks on from our last update, we’re going to move this idea to Delivered! ✅
You'll now find a single page for editing contact details, with the added benefit of using the tab selections on the left panel to go directly to your chosen section on the contacts add/edit page.
Again, thank you for all your comments here - we know this has been a highly anticipated feature for community. Your feedback helps us to continue to shape the future of contacts at Xero.
Jenny Brookes commented
Can't use Xero for creating bank payment files without manually editing the bank details
Victoria London commented
The update addresses NONE of the actual problems, whilst adding hassle. What a brilliant use of dev time...
Please, I am BEGGING for a free text box next to the name so I can label who they are in the company!! -
Bianca Davitt commented
OMG! What have they done?!?!?! It's awful. Why add MORE unesseccary clicks? I need everything visible on one page, I don't want to have to go hunting for data. It was perfect BEFORE the change! Also, when I try to edit an existing customer, it just tells me "oops something went wrong" so it's not even working. Please revert ASAP!
Jules Breese commented
New contact screen has added extra keystrokes and screen layout was no much better before. Also why would you put the ACN on the 1st screen and the ABN on the financial screen - they should be the other way around. In my 20+ years of accounting I have never entred an ACN on contact record - who does this?
Amanda Hill commented
Agreed, this update is terrible. Not user friendly at all!
Kate Burridge commented
There now multiple more clicks and pages you have to work through to add a contact to your system; It takes you out and back to the contact home screen each time you click save, so you have to click edit again to go to the next section and so on back and forth. making my job 5 times as long now to complete what used to be a quick task.
too much whitespace, too many clicks. upgrades whilst I am all for them, should only be completed if they improve the user experience, if you cannot, update the code by all means, yes, but leave the functionality as it was/is.
Thank you
Leonie Kershaw commented
Wasn't broken so didn't need fixing! Change it back
Colleen Barnett commented
Please change this back!!! So time consuming now!
Joana Mendes commented
Feedback on new Contact edit / new design layout
Xero recently updated the design of the Contact details page, where we enter and/or update Contact details.
Whilst I understand Xero has technical reasons for the updates, I still would like to give, and possible collected other users', feedback.
- Having the information separated in different tabs (Contact details, Addresses, Financial details and Defaults settings ) makes really NOT user-friendly and NOT efficient, and opens for errors with the user editing details and not saving, moving to another page and there is no prompt to say "do you want to save change?"
- The Save & Close button should be up the top not hidden at the bottom of the page.
- The account number is now lost at the end of the first page. Can this be back under the Contact name?
I would much prefer to have all the details in 1 page.Thanks
Joana -
VIKKI RALPH commented
Can we please go back to the original layout were everything was on one page/tab. This new version is HORRIBLE and takes foreverrrrrrrr...... definitely not an improvement in my opinion. :-(
Juleen Currie commented
Ian Phillips commented
The new method for entering contacts means several clicks making the task much more complex. Previously every item was on the same page and no need for extra clicks to find the fields needed. Also the insistence on a lookup for addresses is unnecessary and cumbersome, also slowing down data entry.
Can the previous method be available as a choice, as this one is much more time consuming. -
Julie Nicholson commented
Please can we have it back the way it was - obviously the person who did this does not use the program on a daily basis - Julie Nicholson
Belinda Johnson commented
Absolutely agree. There should be an option to revert back to old format.
This change is so time consuming and pointless! -
Tracey G commented
How can we change back to *ALL information on the 1 page* - this is so incredibly annoying! Is there an option to go back?
All the extra contact info is now gone; Skype etc.