Contacts - Show information on one page
The edit contact format has recently been changed and I now have to click through multiple tabs to edit and view contact info. This is much more time consuming. I would like to be able to edit and view all contact info on one page.

Hi all, returning now a few weeks on from our last update, we’re going to move this idea to Delivered! ✅
You'll now find a single page for editing contact details, with the added benefit of using the tab selections on the left panel to go directly to your chosen section on the contacts add/edit page.
Again, thank you for all your comments here - we know this has been a highly anticipated feature for community. Your feedback helps us to continue to shape the future of contacts at Xero.
Sherri Mackey commented
Stephanie Leito - hahahahaha Nope! Im a user just like you and dislike many features and layouts. Im just excited that I can now see invoice detail layout and have all the "history notes" in a different section instead of seeing the "invoice #" multiple times as a note because we emailed it. This layout is more similar to QB which I LOVED and had to move away from to Xero. Still many issues with this system - the payment check stub still prints every line item from the bill/PO vs just a list of the checks being paid. SO UNPROFESSIONAL looking and I need to print a separate Remittance paper every time.
I wanted to give them some positive feedback because we always leave so much negative. I wish they would read all the feedback and consider changes vs having to submit a request in a special area, but it is what it is when the company says this is the software we are using, you make the best of it.
Stephanie Leito commented
@Sherri, your comment seems very paid....everything you mentioned was possible to see in the old lay-out....
Nice try Xero.... -
Sherri Mackey commented
I LOVE the new (7/20/23)layout for Contacts Activity. Being able to see the invoice detail (date created, due date, paid / no paid) etc on the contact is such a huge help. One thing that would make this new format perfect would be to add/show the contact "notes" (from the financial detail tab) right on the main banner. We have specific notes about how to bill the contact that we now have to reveiw prior to opening or creating an invoice because they dont show when opening the contact
Mehul Joshi commented
Need Old layout as Overdue days and transaction movement on the client page is not presented properly
Bianca Davitt commented
@Stephanie Leito
Here is the best thread to help you with the reports - loads of us are all in the same boat.
Stephanie Leito commented
Instead of fixing this problem, they created themselves
They went and changed the reports, retired some report and some will retire end of this month, just to make you start all over to customize your reports again the way you need them to be
The aged receivable was just fine and now it shows in numbers instead of months....and no way of setting your own preference on this, I search but couldn't find any topic where someone desperately needed the aged receivables to show the number of months instead of month names...
Xero just keeps getting better and.......better -
Lisa Richardson commented
Entering a Contact was SO much better all on 1 page
So much easier to enter all the details
So much easier to check you have entered all the details necessary
So much easier to look back to and see ALL THE DETAILS on ONE PageWHAT ON EARTH IS SOMEONES OBSESSION your end to have us as users our ending click click click click clicking ALL day long
Why are you making users pay for things NO ONE WANTSPlease save our hands and quit ALL THE BLOODY Clicking to get somewhere in your system, just to print something i think im up to 7-10 clicks!
Soonam Hwang commented
@Stephanie Since this idea marked as "not planned", how many it had votes doesn't mean anything 'cause it won't be appeared to the screen unless you search it with specific key words such as contact information, means they don't care about it.
Stephanie Leito commented
Thanks for not changing the customer profile back WHICH HAS 497 VOTES
And changing the transactions upload screen WHICH NOBODY ASKED FOR
and also which was perfectly fine..........
Xero just keeps on creating more frustrations.....keep up the good work... -
Soonam Hwang commented
It is not possible to apply all variables of customers with different user environments to Xero.
However, the core issue is whether Xero's product development direction or perspectives are client-driven or Xero's management/maintenance driven.
From the perspective of DB management, multi-page data entry for contacts is indeed efficient, but the problem lies in the fact that it should also be designed to be user-friendly.
If it were a single stand-alone application, rolling back to a previous version would be possible if the UI/UX of a new updated version is not suitable, but since Xero runs on a web-server, if Xero ignores this issue, there will be no solution.
This is a fact that everyone knows. Of course, Xero must be aware of this issue.
However, the fact that this problem continues to occur shows how much their advertising slogan, "Beautiful software," is an obvious exaggeration for practical users.
It can be considered as a clear example of how their advertising is overstated.
Indeed, it also shows how much Xero is deceiving consumers. -
Will Broome commented
I'd quite like to see a recording of the supposed UX and Dev "experts" brainstorming and then discussing just how they can best shaft their existing users - whilst at the same time making sure that every single 'development' NEVER improves the product that in all reality - they never use.
So - do Xero use Xero for their online accounting?
Camilla McLean commented
I'd like to see a screen recording showing the set up of a new contact imagining that a client has provided their contact details via email.
I don't see how you can avoid switching between applications and copying and pasting multiple items when entering a contact.
This would either show me that I am missing something, or show Xero how frustrating it is for users.
Joanna Johnson commented
I know im cynical but I just went to chat GPT and asked it to write some code in python to allow us to view all customer notes on a single page and it solved the issue so fast.Perhaps Xero should start taking our requests more seriously at some point if they don't fix things to suit their consumers they will start to look for solutions elsewhere.
Paul-John Mudie commented
Poor form to disregard such a popular product idea
Lisa Gaudie commented
Dear Xero,
It wasn't broken to start with, but Xero insisted on "fixing" it.
Stop breaking what isn't broken, repair what you've damaged, and start fixing things that are essential to doing business that you've chosen to ignore for YEARS.
Deleting this thread doesn't fix the problem. Take your blinders off and start working to help your customers work more effectively and efficiently.
Soonam Hwang commented
As I look through the "All ideas" section, noticed that even some such-a-waste-like ideas with only 1 or 2 votes have been marked as "submitted".
However, when I see that Xero is blatantly disregarding the second-most voted idea simply because it does not align with their development direction, it raises serious doubts about the direction of their product.
I question whether their product direction is truly focused on the needs of their customers, or if it is instead driven by the convenience of their development team.
Furthermore, I have doubts about the meaning of the vote system.
If an idea has a large number of votes, it should represent the collective opinion of a significant portion of Xero's customers.
Disregarding this collective feedback undermines the purpose of the vote system altogether. -
Penelope Arnold commented
So despite all user input stating how time consuming it is to have the contact info on several pages, it will remain this way now for some reason nobody knows. We, the subscribers will have to continue to waste time, rather than being able to be efficient in our Business.
Gillian Magerkorth commented
Are Xero doing these changes to make this all APP friendly for using on Phones etc?
Sue Van Pelt commented
Why is Xero so tone deaf with any suggestions - they give nonsense answers without the detail of why they can't do such-and-such. We aren't idiots nor children, pretty sure we could understand the technical reasons, if we were ever given the chance to be told? Perhaps we could start a "new" thread if they're closing this one?
Nicole Neale commented
"We want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of our appreciation for your feedback or engagement"
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! I feel like you are closing my thread because you don't like what people are saying.
Thanks for nothing Xero-AGAIN!!!!!