Balance sheet - Only show summary of a group
Balance Sheet - to be able to add a formula to balance sheet lines instead of grouping lines together. Example, I would like to be able to see only the total asset line on the balance sheet rather than seeing the cost line and the depreciation line i.e Computer Cost - Computer dep'n. Currently you can group the lines to then show a total for the grouping, however you still need to have both lines showing on the report. it would be good if we had the option to add a formula to calculate both lines removing the lines we do not wish to see

Hi Erin, this is already possible. Within the Edit Layout view, if you select to show Total and click the group heading to only view the group title within the edit layout screen when you save the report you'll see this is reflected when you run the report.
AdminMark Blundell (Admin, Xero) commented
Hi Erin, when you add those accounts to the group in the layout editor, you can collapse that group to a single line using the little triangle to the left of the group name. This will give you the effect you seek.