Send invoice reminder for specific invoice
send invoice reminder for one specific invoice

Hi Shirley, we don't have plans for developing this any time in the near future.
However, in the case of an individual invoice, you can simply send the invoice to the customer again. If you'd prefer to use the wording of your invoice reminder email template - go to Invoice Reminders within your Invoice Settings first to copy & paste the detail. If this is something you'd frequently use, perhaps even set it up as an email template you can use on the fly.
Emily Belnap commented
Hi development team, I would also appreciate the ability to manually push an invoice reminder or invoice email, alongside the automated reminders. This feature would be particularly beneficial in maintaining client relationships. For example, when a client requests an invoice to be resent during a call, having a manual send option allows us to respond promptly and provide better service.
Delia Chase shared a workaround involving scheduled reminders, which is helpful, but a manual push option would be much more effective. Some of your main competitors offer this capability, and it has influenced a few of my clients' decisions when comparing accounting software options. I’d sincerely appreciate it if the development team could consider adding this feature in future updates.
Thanks so much for your time and consideration!
Rob Hughes commented
This would be extremely useful to have
Asim Riaz commented
This feature is very good to have.
Jacob Rafi commented
I think this feature would be a good idea to have.