Reporting - Retain Old Report Formats
Is there anyway to retain the old report formats for P&L and Balance sheets post June 2023?
I find the new format not very easy on the eye and less user friendly. Can we retain the old format moving forward.
Hi everyone, appreciate the interest and feedback on the style of Xero's new reports. Being quite open, older style reports will be retired on 31 July this year (2023) and there will be no ability to retain and continue using the older report formats beyond this date.
We do want to hear if there are specific differences in the older styles that you'd like to see in the new and welcome you to start ideas for these individuals changes that we can gather support on and could be developed and reflected in the newer versions, but to be upfront here we'll move this idea to Not Planned.
Karen King commented
Why does Xero feel the need to remove reports that we know and love.
Almost all of the reports I use regularly are being retired on 31st July, why is this necessary?
I fear Xero is making a big mistake the quality of the current (old) reports are one of the few things that sets them apart from their competitors.
The newer versions are on the whole not fit for purpose, they cannot be customised in a way which produces the type of data I need as a Xero Advisor.
michelle cameron commented
Hi, I think the new view of the BILLS TO PAYE are really ******* the eyes. I absolutely cant stand it. Why change something that is working...? This is truly irritating. We have enough to deal with on a daily basis. All of us, Oh let's just throw this in there on top of everything. It's feels like xero sits around and table and discusses how it can irritate it's users. :(
Catherine Yeo commented
New reports is awful and not user friendly.
Sashen Dhaver commented
Keep all older version of reports. This is very much still required as the new reports dont have the full functionality of the older reports.
Denny Jelicich commented
The old trial balance is much better than a new one and all the software that have used have the trial balance exactly as your old one it was designed for a reason this new trial balance is a poor substitute. There are us who use it to export to excel to do further analysis.
From July it is going to be pain will need two different reports plus numerous formulas to get to the old trial balance. Please reconsider. removing the old reports which are superior to the poor alternatives that we have now.
Sarah Rose commented
Absolutely agree! The old reports are awesome and the new ones are heaps more clunky.
Dianna Rea commented
I agree, your new reports ageing process is not working properly. We are only new to using Xero from Attache and fortunatly our accountant showed us the old report and that is exactly how it should look. Not sure why you even changed it. Don't get rid of the old format because it works perfectly fine.
Katie Hincks commented
The old reports are much more suited to business functions, can these be kept, as why change something that isn't broken!