Trial balance - Include/exclude opening balances
Can you please add the option to include or exclude opening balances for balance sheet items on the trial balance. It is often necessary to only use current year movements for tax planning, budgeting and other accounting functions.

Appreciate the thought, Christiaan. With so many different ways customers would like to view, filter and group items in reports our teams are constantly thinking where these features sit best in the framework of reports.
We don't have plans for adding the open and closing balance to the Trial Balance report itself. We'd recommend making use of the option within the new General Ledger reports.
Christiaan Hoek commented
The General Ledger Summary does what I was looking for, but why not simply incorporate it in the trial balance report. A trial balance is after all a summary of the general ledger? Its a confusing distinction.
Clare Brunton commented
In addition could we run a TB with only opening balances - this is now standard audit request.