Deprecate Account Transactions Report for General Ledger Detail
At the moment there are two very similar reports by default. That being the General Ledger Detail and Account Transactions report.
Could you please at some stage remove the Account Transactions report and shift the defaults over to the General Ledger Detail?
For now I can just change the title at the top of the report from the Account Transactions to General Ledger Detail to produce the exact same report minus the Net Movement row.
If the net movement was required the Net column can be added.
Hi Jeremy,
While we appreciate there are similarities between the Account Transactions report and the General Ledger Detail, they have different purposes given that we have millions of users with varied needs. The Account transactions report is generally used for digging into one or two account codes. It can be configured and customised in so many ways, and has columns which are not available on the General Ledger Detail such as Contact, Contact Group, as well as all the multi currency columns. It also has 'related account' to show where a transaction has been coded to, which isn't on the General Ledger Detail.
To be open and upfront, we don't plan to deprecate either of these reports because of those differences.