Statements Age Analysis Mergefields
Hi Xero,
I would like to request access to the Statement Mergefields for Age Analysis. This seems to be a standard field in most accounting packages and I would certainly expect it from Xero.
This is a crucial mergefield that I am sure most / if not all small businesses require to keep their debtors book under control.
I am aware of third party plug-ins like Statey that has access to the Xero Age Analysis fields . However, the price of it is 25% of what we already pay for Xero, and that only to get access to a mergefield (Age Analysis).
Come on Xero, please give ear to so MANY that has requested this feature.
We receive wonderful newsletter from Xero on managing cashflow etc. But if you are really serious about helping small business - why not consider making this mergefield available.
Sharon Sumner commented
There is a comment on one of your support from Sept 2023 saying DueIn was "about to be added" - seriously, showing clients that a balance is overdue is nowhere near as informative as showing it is now 100 days overdue!
Janene Davison commented
I have a very big debtors ledger - I trully need to have their statements show aging correclty - rather than a lump sum total. Many customers get upset -
This is a basic function afforded by many accounting programs -
Katherine Hellyer commented
I've got a customer complaining about our statement layout all the time. The current format works if customers always pay full invoice amounts and on-time, but that's not how it always works in real life. Aged debtor statements would be so helpful, instead I'm wasting time explaining what's overdue to customers. It's so annoying.
Adrienne Molloy commented
It's a no-brainer!
Shahriar Khayyam commented
This is urgently required
Zelda-Marie Hohls commented
One of our businesses on Xero, have a rental unit, it is critical to have an age analysis on rental statements.
We are in the process to move to Odoo due to this and Xero's inability to link invoices to quotes, to invoice a quote partially and to show a financial overview of a project, ie, amount quoted, amount accepted, amount invoiced and amount left on order!Basic things that I can do with excell!
Would think it is standard for any bookkeeping program.