XPM - Edit staff name
Need the ability to edit staff names in practice manager as we were able to in the past. The new staff screens do not allow this. It is not reasonable to lose the history of that person if we just need to update or fix a name.

Hey community, popping in with a quick update to this idea.
Earlier this year we made a change to staff names, so they’re no longer controlled by the Practice Admin.
Instead, the Staff name you’ll see in XPM is tied to the User Name, giving the staff member control over how they appear.
We’ve also made a change to the way deleted staff will appear in Practice Manager. They’ll now display a ‘Deactivated’ tag after their name.
From reading the comments, it’s common practice to add a prefix to a staff name (such as ‘ZZ’) to identify them as leavers - this update removes the need for this workaround!
Anita Loughrey commented
Are we still looking into this? We have old staff members names cluttering up all the drop down menus and making allocations difficult.
Ann Lewis commented
Hi Ethan, in response to your message, this does not resolve the issues created by Xero with moving the ability to control names by the practice admin. The changes that have happened have caused lots of issues and without getting control back will take a lot of time to rectify which I don't have.
Being able to put ZZ in from of a leavers name means we can easily identify where clients and jobs are still allocated to people who have left and need reallocating.
Please just give the practice admin the rights edit names in the system. I have not used a system before that does not let you control this.
qqklik alternatif commented
Nick Wilkinson commented
I'm not part of the Xero team but act as an implementation partner for them and just in case I can provide some context here...The XPM staff profiles always had a potential disconnect previously between what was in XPM and Xero profiles used to login to Xero tools (i.e. Staff names could be different depending on how they were entered). To allow for a more unified login experience Xero recently aligned the profiles in XPM to Xero profiles. This meant if an email address get's updated this also updates in XPM now too (a separate issue that was there previously). The new process for updating both staff names and emails in XPM is now tied to the Xero profile itself. I also saw a comment regarding zz'ing staff names, which now no longer works but that possibly raises a question on why you'd leave former staff in your XPM account. Once clients and jobs are reallocated to new staff there should not be a reason to leave staff in your XPM (historical reporting is retained regardless). Hoping this comment may help some of you anyhow.
Claire Donald commented
This is a huge problem for us - please resolve!
Larissa Kydd commented
Agree need this
Why change things that are not broken
Daniel Harcombe commented
Anita Loughrey commented
We need this to process our leavers - we put ZZ in front of their names.
Jean Sutherland commented
We also put zz in front of the leavers names and now cannot. We have deleted their Xero access so cannot use the workaround.
Ann Lewis commented
This is critical, when we have someone who leaves we also used to put ZZ in front of the name so we could identify the leavers. Now we can't do it. As the administrator I need to be able to do this.
Carly Watton commented
Major Issue that needs to be resolved immediately
Kerri Borg commented
This is a major issue in XPM - it's essential that the administrator is able to rename staff, for example using a prefix "zz" when staff leave. Amanda has provided a workaround for an individual user to change their own name, which is great, however, it still needs to be easily done as the practice administrator.
Amanda Wyngaard commented
Staff can edit their own name in XPM/Xero:
1. While logged into Xero, click on your initials in the top right of the screen and select Account
2. Click on your initials in the new screen Select Edit Profile (just under your name)
3. Here you can update your name and other personal details
4. Once saved, this will update your name in Xero Practice Manager the next time you log in -
Frank Zhao commented
Critical even!
David Vitez commented
It's important
Jamie Glenn commented
Please get this done
Grant Thornton LLP - National User commented
Not having the ability to change staff names in XPM is far from ideal and can result in confusion and inability to properly communicate with a staff member.
Susan Staples commented
It is ridiculous that this is not a feature.
Stacie Fahey commented
Ability to update staff names e.g when someone gets married and officially changes their last name or when someone legally changes their name, previously we could update staff names in their profile. I can't do this since the new update. Thanks, Stacie