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426 search results

  1. Xero HQ - Feature to identify Restricted or Confidential clients  · 

  2. Cash Summary - Easily add monthly comparatives  ·  not planned

  3. XPM | Files - Integrate shared google drives with XPM  · 

  4. Bank Rules - Set Payee when contact name shown within the description field  · 

  5. Projects | Bills assigned to a Project - Filter and search options  · 

  6. The new Xero implementations - becoming very frustrated!

  7. Profit and Loss - Filter report, option to change filter criteria after column choice selected.  · 

  8. Profit & Loss | Tracking - Ability to drill down  · 

  9. New Bills to Pay - Add “Spent At” column for expenses  · 

  10. Practice Manager | Timesheets - Ability to make a custom field mandatory  · 

  11. PayPal - Import proportion of VAT with feed  · 

  12. Workpapers - Carry existing packs forward when creating new ones  · 

  13. Budget Variance Report- Tracking categories in edit layout  ·  delivered

  14. Fix known issue with first NEST pension filing when changing over to Xero

  15. Sorting order of Client names in XPM versus Tax Summaries & Tax payment letters

  16. Notifications Settings

  17. UK Payroll - Calculate hourly for leave/sick days  ·  delivered

  18. Invoice Reminders: Ability to select that reminders only go to original recipient/s  · 

  19. Payroll - Secure form for fraud prevention  · 

  20. Contacts - Compact view to reduce white space  ·