Please listen to your customers Xero, and fix the problem with Autosave. It is slowing everything down, and as previous writers have said there should be a check button that you can uncheck if you do not want autosave. Also when entering a customer's name, we cannot see what we are typing as the box is obscuring the view and if we have misspelt the customer name a new customer is automatically saved which is soooo annoying. Please Fix This!!!
Please listen to your customers Xero, and fix the problem with Autosave. It is slowing everything down, and as previous writers have said there should be a check button that you can uncheck if you do not want autosave. Also when entering a customer's name, we cannot see what we are typing as the box is obscuring the view and if we have misspelt the customer name a new customer is automatically saved which is soooo annoying. Please Fix This!!!