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2024 search results

  1. Invoice Template - Add total of 'Excluding Discounts' field  · 

  2. Quote - Copy Project through to Invoice created from a Projects quote  · 

  3. EU Invoice: Ability to switch comma/decimal format  · 

  4. Expose the "Delivery Address" field on an invoice to the API  ·  not planned

  5. Quote Report - Change Invoice Ref and Date columns to 'Quote'  · 

  6. Billable Expenses - Files to copy through to the Sales Invoice  · 

  7. Projects - Keep items in the same order when invoicing  · 

  8. Conversion | Ability to enter outstanding invoices via Manual journals  · 

  9. Sales Tax Report - View Invoice Number and Reference as separate columns  · 

  10. New Invoicing - Keep leading carriage returns and spaces in description field  · 

  11. Sales Invoice - Select "reply to" email address from dropdown  · 

  12. Customer Activity Report - Ability to only show invoices and payments  ·  delivered

  13. Projects Reporting - Show description and reflect payment on bills and invoices  · 

  14. Projects | Task Description to be used on Tasks & Expenses Invoice  · 

  15. Billable Expenses - Retain tax treatment from original Bill on Invoice  · 

  16. New Invoicing - Show combined Account Code and Name  ·  delivered

  17. Aged receivable summary - Include prepayments/deposits for future invoices.  · 

  18. Invoice reminders - Set for 14 days after due  ·  delivered

  19. Contacts - Search for invoices in customer/supplier records  ·  delivered

  20. Xero Accounting app - Ability to add & edit repeating invoices  ·