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  1. Please allow the function to split the linked accounts for GST Collected on Sales/Income and GST Paid on Purchases/Expenses. It's extremely frustrating to have them all lumped into the one account and makes year end reconciling much more time consuming and difficult. Needless to say, it makes it a lot harder to do year end adjustments correctly.

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    Hi Jodie, the single GST account in Xero is designed to calculate and create the org's Business Activity Statement based on the accounting method selected in the org's settings. I want to be open that we don't have plans to change this.

    However, you could use custom tax rates to separate different rates within the GST account. 

  2. Cash summary report is OK but full cashflow forecasting and reporting (P&L plus Non Operating) is imperative for clients to forecast and track bank movement. This is available in MYOB Essentials (only thing it has over Xero really). Please please please

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    Hi everyone, returning to the idea here. We'd encourage exploring Short term cashflows and Business Snapshot with Xero Analytics. These tools can give you deeper insight into how your business is performing and upcoming payments.

    If there's something within these tools that you feel could further enhance your experience and understanding please do raise as a new idea and we'll can consider this as we continue to develop. 

  3. option of applying payments to customer accounts rather than an invoice.

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    Hi Nitin, is there a specific reason you'd rather pay on account than match with the invoices a payment relates? 

    Contact accounts are connected to the Accounts Receivable in Xero, and to ensure these balance the accounts receivable is only impacted when an invoice is created, payment applied or credit raised for a customer. 

    Being a fundamental way in how Xero is designed and works I want to be open that we don't have plans for changing this. 

  4. Our Xero is integrated with Zettle and the interface works fine.
    However, it would be great if sales could be posted to Xero nominals by Zettle category.
    Some of the items we "sell" are not actually sales and need to be posted to a balance sheet nominal. At present I'm having to manually adjust these.
    Automation is the way to go.

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    Appreciate you engaging community on the idea, Keith. Many integrations with Xero and built and developed by the applications themselves, and they would be best approached for any request to change or expand their integration. 

    I'd recommend raising this idea with Zettle, as it's not something we'd do from our end. 

  5. When running Payment Reports such as Bank Account Transactions or Accounts Receivable reports when you select the Column option of 'Invoice Number' the report includes Invoice Number in the report headings but does not actual provide the Invoice Number for each transaction. We would expect the reports to be able to show the Invoice Number field.

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    Hi all, this depends on the type of transaction that you're viewing in the Account Transactions report.

    Payment transactions don't have an 'Invoice Number' field in themselves, instead they are associated to an invoice. If you have not entered a separate reference the invoice number it's associated too will show in the Reference column of the report.

  6. Would love to be able to change the dates on bank statements that are brought in via Bank Feeds as the import from Investec uses the Transaction Date instead of Action Date, which messes with the Bank Reconciliation reports, as they don't match the bank statement opening and closing balances

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  7. All businesses have to file tax returns. Some prepare it themselves using other Xero product such as TaxCycle. To prepare tax returns it is important to start with CRA's GIFI values which maps the Chart of Accounts in Xero to the tax codes required by CRA.

    Xero currently provides GIFI feature to partners but not business owners. This should be standard on all Xero files and not just partners. It should be a relatively quick fix to implement so that a business can decide on how its tax returns are prepared and when GIFI is added can prepare them more…

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    Hi Bill, and others interested - appreciate you raising the idea here. Though we understand some business owners may want to control this themselves to clarify the current process - Atm,  GIFI mapping is available for T2125 and T1776 forms that integrate with TaxCycle. With TaxCycle being a Partner specific product there are no plans to at this time to open this feature further.

  8. Quotes - Please give us drop down menu to add more than one line at a time. My Quotes are over several pages to a big customer. Adding one line at a time is not efficient.

    Previously when an Item from the Products & Services is picked and when highlighted, and you push "Tab" it picks it and enters it. Now that function doesn't work instead, you have to click with the mouse. Not having shortcuts is time consuming. The previous way was better and more efficient.

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    Hi Shirani and Tarryn, rounding back to the idea here we appreciate the earlier feedback on the change in navigation with tab and selection of items. 

    Based on some of the feedback we received from our customers we have restored the original behaviour so that when you can use the arrow keys within a cell to highlight the item and then Tab to auto select (rather than having to press Enter). 

    Also appreciate your thoughts on the ideal # of lines in a quote. However, monitoring usage of quotes we don't have plans for developing an option to add lots of lines at once. 

  9. I'd like to know when a specific bank account balance gets below a certain amount, it would be great to set an alert or get a notification.

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    Hi Nicola, appreciate the idea however do want to be open that we don't have plans for implementing this type of feature directly in Xero. Feed imports can differ from bank to bank so the timeliness of this information would be likely be little use to many businesses especially in the case of manual imports. 

    There are some banks that offer alert or notifications for what you're asking here, I'd recommend enquiring with your bank directly. Thanks 

  10. Provide option to select a specific start date (within, say, the past 24 months) for bank feeds when submitting the online request through Xero. For example, from previous 1 April rather than from the next day after the bank has processed the request. This would relieve the need to request clients to provide a csv from their online banking for past transactions to complete the year’s records. Some clients are not computer confident for even this requirement when setting up their Xero account.

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  11. Coupa integration would be great. I'm working with a company who is transitioning to Coupa where estimates, invoices, and payment notifications are handled through Coupa.

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  12. Would be really helpful if reports in Xero just stated whether the figures are GST-inclusive or exclusive.
    For example, the dashboard includes the total of unpaid invoices (which are GST-inclusive), but the Profit & Loss by month figures are GST-exclusive. I take figures from Xero and use in spreadsheets and it would assist to be clear about the GST status of figure used.

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    Hi Tim, appreciate wanting more of an indication if a report is contains GST. 

    Although I've shared your feedback I want to be open that we don't have plans for direct change in the product, however I've also shared your feedback with our Content team to see if there are updates that could be made to our help articles on Xero Central to make this clearer.

    Financial reports have a specific structure such as the Profit & Loss figures which doesn't show GST at all because it's not part of the business' revenue or expenses, it's something only shown in the Balance sheet as a balance in the GST account under liabilities.

    For other reports in Xero like Payable and Receivables Invoice Summary and Detail reports we show (ex) and (inc) in the different columns, we also provide options to show Net, GST and Gross amounts separately, so it's a…

  13. When creating an overpayment during bank account reconciliation, the account and tax fields are locked and impossible to change. This is frustrating because based on our company accounting policy, we would like our overpayments coded to a specific account.
    I would like to see this feature added in future updates.

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    Hi Yamen, overpayments are a type of credit transaction in Xero. An overpayment doesn't attract tax and is allocated to a specific contact which is why both these fields are locked. 

    Being open we don't have intentions of changing this behaviour -  Perhaps a prepayment may better serve your needs here? 

  14. Xero should provide 'proper' bank/card reconciliation so as to be able to conclusively reconcile the xero record with the source bank account.
    What xero calls reconciliation is merely 'matching' bank feed transactions to xero transactions. This is not really reconciliation to source account because the Bank feed is known to both miss lines of the statement and duplicate lines of the statement.
    If the feed misses a transaction and it is not in xero either you would never know through the existing reconciliation (matching) process.
    Similarly if the feed duplicates a line it may cause it to be created in…

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    Hi Andrew, appreciate you'd like ensure what's been imported from your  bank to Xero. We will continue to develop the logic and learning behind matches and suggestions Xero provides overtime. 

    As you know Xero has direct connections with many banks and financial institutions to offer feeds and import statement lines from your bank. In many cases these can be auto matched through a bank account in your organisation. 

    Despite being thorough in many situations, as these are connections with parties external to Xero, there are cases like you've noted where statement lines can be missed or duplicated - Hopefully you don't find this occurring too often if you do I'd recommend connecting with our Xero Support team to see if there's any way to improve what's being imported. 

    Manual intervention and review of bank reconciliation is required to confirm what has been reconciled and imported to your bank to match…

  15. The new cash summary report is not as user friendly as the old version.
    The most common cash summary format used is a full year or YTD monthly report. In the old version it had the months listed so easy to go back to the end of month of last years financial year whereas now all the current options only refer to the last month or are a full year. When comparing with periods 11 months was the most common option used as wanted to compare a full year but now this has to be entered manually. If you want…

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    Appreciate the new version of report may take a few steps to set up and it can take some getting used to the changes from old to new, Alicia. Being open we don't plan to complete copy the older version. 

    Having a bit of a test, if you regularly compare the past 11 months you can set this in the Compare with  period = 11 and Months. Once run you can then use the Layout editor to move the columns oldest to newest. 

    If you then Save as custom you'll find that you can jump back into this formatting any time and update the Date range of the report which will hold the Compare with settings you've set up in the report. 

  16. As accountants we are busy busy busy and I understand everyone is busy today but we are up against HARD DEADLINES almost daily in our business. Every extra "click" added in Xero over the last months have added extra time it takes to do our jobs. The extra clicks it takes to get to the last month Bank Rec is stupid crazy. No one reconciles their bank to "today" - we don't even have bank statements to reconcile to until month end and that is what we need our bank recs to reflect. When Xero updates it's product, it seems…

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    Appreciate your feedback on the changes across Xero, Jackie. Being open it is hard to understand true interest and communicate on ideas that span many features and areas of Xero, and for this reason we will mark the idea as not planned. 

    There are some necessary changes that in some places may add more change a previous flow you may have grown accustom through our building on beautiful work

    Our teams are conscious of this and working wherever possible to increase simplicity for the way customers work in Xero. 

  17. We an israeli accoubting firm
    The israeli tax autohrity demands an export of the general ledger in bkmv data fotmat,
    We will appreciate it deeply

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    Thanks for engaging and sharing your idea in community here, Yoash. Though very appreciative of the differing format needs across the globe, we want to be honest that we don't have plans for enabling export of data from Xero in a bkmv format.

    You could use a format converter application outside of Xero to convert the file the format required by differing authorities. Thanks

  18. While the new search function in Reports is excellent, especially as there are so many in the overflow button of each listed report, it is not possible to mark the report shown in the search results as a favourite.

    It would be great if there could be the option to either go to the report directly, or go to the report in the list so it can be marked as a favourite - or better still have the option to mark it as a favourite from within the search results list.

    Alternatively, if the search results provided details of where…

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    Thanks for your interaction in Xero Product Ideas, and sharing with us here. Being transparent, we don't have intentions of adding the ability to favourite from the Search menu in Xero.

    We understand wanting to swiftly locate and favourite your reports. Right now, perhaps using Ctrl+F (Control Find) to search the name of the report and quickly navigate to this on any webpage.

  19. Ability to set up Braintree as a bank account that can import the feed automatically.

    Purpose: Users can reconcile the payment that they’ve made from Braintree without having to import the statements manually.

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    Totally understand why those that use Braintree as a payment service would like to connect this as a bank feed in Xero. 

    Xero has an open API which enables third-parties who are interested to build connections with us themselves. If not already, we’d recommend approaching Braintree to let them know this is something you’d like to see. They can find out more on building an integration with us through our Developer Community or they can register their interest here

  20. Include Notes/Comments and how to pay in feed from Approval Max to XERO so accountant can see that when processing Bills.

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