4674 results found
Multicurrency- Batch payments of Foreign Currency Bills.
Batch payments of Foreign Currency Bills.
Dear Xero,
Please consider the feature of being able to batch up foreign currency Bills. We often pay multiple invoices in one go, having to reconcile and mark as paid 10 invoices is extremely time consuming.409 votesHi everyone, thank you for all the interest and we appreciate the needs for those using foreign currency to have more efficiency in how you process these bills for payment. Your feedback and votes here have not gone unnoticed - We have a team that have been doing some ground work in this space and at this time we have beta that we'd like to invite any UK customers to join and feedback to our team on the experience. If you'd like to be a part of this please fill in our form here and we'll be in touch.
We appreciate this idea is farther reaching than UK alone and while the beta is limited to this region for the time being, based on results we will look at expanding this to other places.
We'll keep you updated of further developments here.
New Invoicing - Reduce number of steps and clicks
New invoicing has introduced more clicks, taps, steps at almost every level.
Please remove the added friction as it increases processing time.The "new invoicing" messages are full of comments regarding where these pressure points have been added.
We are paid subscribers, and beta testing/seeking feedback is wonderful, but being forced onto an inferior model is.. suboptimal.777 votesHi team, now in 2025 and many here will have received our recent communication leading up to the retirement of classic invoicing on 27 Feb this year.
We’re continuing to work hard on delivering more features within new invoicing that’ll help most in your workflow.
Thanks for staying engaged with us on changes that’ll help you through the idea here.
To give an update on recent deliveries that positively impact some of you that have shared on the idea here. Late last year we released improvements to the issue and due date fields so you can now use all the date entry shortcuts that were available in classic, and we made it simpler to access the date picker. We also updated the Files attachment modal so you can now drag & drop files anywhere on the page, and when you use tracked inventory you can see the number of items…
New Invoicing - Make the History & Notes the same as in Classic Invoicing
Please leave the history of an invoice EXACTLY as it was in the classic invoicing.
The new invoicing doesn't show the invoice that it was copied from or copied to and this is very important as a trail.
I really don't understand why so many important features from the classic invoicing has been omitted.
let your customers continue using the classic invoicing as they like
654 votesHi everyone, as another step toward improving history of new invoicing you'll find you'll now see an entry when an invoice is sent, and the email address it has been sent to.
We appreciate this is something we've heard a fair amount of feedback on and we hope helps in your journey to using new invoicing.
We still have more enhancements on the way for history and I'll be back again when more updates land.
New Invoicing - History to include if invoice is resent
When an amendment is made and the invoice resent it needs to record who it has been sent to
213 votesHi community, thanks for getting involved here and letting us know the importance around being able to see the details whenever an invoice is sent from Xero. We understand the importance of this to our customers and our product team are beginning to review this idea to solve needs in this space. We'll move to Under review and I'll let you know as there's more progress here. Thanks
New Invoicing - Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
When choosing item code and description, I want the ability to leave the rest of the fields blank. Classic invoicing had no problems with it. The new invoicing wants to populate QTY, UNIT PRICE and AMOUNT. Makes the invoice look unappealing.
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Draft Invoice Copy.jpg 124 KB -
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Data Entry Draft Invoice.jpg 137 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Invoice Copy.jpg 99 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Data Entry Invoice.jpg 129 KB -
Screenshot 2024-06-18 142006.jpg 97 KB -
Screenshot 2024-01-31 144249.png 23 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2756.pdf 90 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2754.pdf 92 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2737.pdf 94 KB
444 votesThanks for all your feedback here, everyone. The way you add description only lines in new invoicing is a little different to classic and we wanted to explain in hopes it'll help with how you're using new invoicing.
When entering a description only line, you can enter text in the description field of the line. If you add detail to any other field the line will be treated as a 'financial' line and you will need to include Qty, Unit price, Account and Tax rate.
When an inventory item is added this uses the item code field and the line is treated as 'financial', so it's not possible to use inventory items as description only lines in new invoicing atm.
We appreciate this is how many of you here have been making use of inventory and our product team are closely monitoring the feedback we're getting on this. Though we don't… -
New Invoicing - Reduce the amount of empty space on screen
Have less white space on new invoicing as it fills screen. The notes section which is in contacts 4000 chars make visable and editable on the new invoice page so we can see it whilst creating and invoice. We dont then have to keep jumping from one page to the next.
391 votesThanks to everyone that participated in and shared back on the team’s research in the new invoicing layout. Taking your feedback on board our teams have made some improvements to the layout of new invoicing, including changes to the layout of fields and buttons.
By rearranging and condensing space between fields, you’ll find there is less white space than previously shown, making it easier to navigate and tab through fields when entering your invoices.We’re actively looking into changes within the invoicing grid that’ll go further to condensing information on the screen and reducing actions when entering your invoices. We’ll update as there is more information to share on this.
New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?323 votes -
New Invoicing - Remember default settings
New Invoicing should be the same as the classic in that it remembers default settings for emailing like sending yourself a copy and attaching files. Until this is resolved do not discontinue the classic invoicing setup.
It's going to be very frustrating otherwise :)369 votesAppreciate your feedback on how you'd like to see new invoicing improved to create more efficiency processing sales with Xero. There are a couple of different requests around defaults looped into this one idea that would be good to unpick and keep separate so we can keep you updated on any progress for each individually.
For interest around being able to set a default for the 'Approve and Send' button - There's an idea that's been started for this here that I'd recommend joining.
Kathy, your recent comment sounds more like the ability to be able to send invoices to a contact group with new invoicing - we totally get the interest in this too and have an idea for this here that you can follow.
Taking on board feedback we have made a change with the new send experience so now, selections for 'Include PDF of invoice' and 'Send… -
New Invoicing - Add a Print PDF where you can directly print from the invoice (not download)
New Invoicing - I need to print invoices regularly for counter sale customers. Using new invoicing it used to open a new chrome tab when you clicked Print PDF from there you could print or download the invoice easy.
In a recent update (See link https://productideas.xero.com/forums/939198-for-small-businesses/suggestions/47646932-new-invoicing-print-pdf-option) the Print button now only allows you to Download invoices.
Please revert to the old system where printing or downloading took the same number of clicks
- Change the current Print PDF button to read "Download PDF"
- Add a new "Print PDF" Button that actually prints the invoice.
241 votes -
NZ GST - Add Publish Function to new style GST report
I would like to request that we keep the publish button on the new GST layout. The new GST Return layout does not have the Publish to Reports function (this has been removed). The Publish Function is an important function for clients, bookkeepers and auditors to access all relevant publish reports in one place.170 votesHi community, appreciate your feedback on the new GST return and detail of how the Publish feature is useful to you. While we don't have immediate plans for developing this in the new return, this is something we're monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. If there is any change around this we'll share this with you all through the idea here.
New Invoicing - Add Payment details on invoice screen
When using the new style of invoicing, it is no longer possible to enter a customer payment which having to click on the receive payment option. Using classic invoicing, the fields to enter the payment are present on the invoice screen. The classic invoicing method is much more efficient when entering a large number of customer invoices, so it would be great if these fields could be added to the invoice screen on the new style.
290 votes -
New invoicing - zero balance invoice can't be saved
Xero, it is another shocking mistake in new invoicing. To do the job I had to switch to classic invoicing.
I had to correct a "GST on income" amount in the locked period. So, I had to record a zero-balance invoice. I hope that somebody in the production team does understand accounting and knows why this correction is done as a zero-balance invoice.
An error message popped up in new invoicing: Zero balance invoice can't be saved.
It is a joke, right!?
Please fix it as soon as possible.
63 votesThanks for sharing this here, Olga. Appreciate the needs in being able to approve these sort of 0.00 invoices in your Xero organisation. I can confirm this is something our team are looking at so I'll keep you updated of any change of this, here.
For the meantime, though I appreciate it may slightly change your flow you should find you can approve these type of invoices from the Draft list of your invoices. If you have a few of these waiting you'll be able to Approve these all at once to save a little time.
New invoicing - Add lines button
New invoicing - bring back 'add new line' button and dropdown +5/+10...
This is an existing feature on classic invoicing, why would you drop it!437 votesHi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
New invoicing - Option to use Xero Network
xero to xero Invoicing
We use the Classic Invoicing version on Xero to send Invoices to our inter-companies and clients who are also registered with Xero.
On 02 Sept 2024 this version will retire and only New Invoicing will be available.
We are not able to select "send via Xero Network" from the New Invoicing option (using our Xero Network Key).Are the technical teams still working on this to have the option available or will this option fall away?
Thank you
Support specialist
Yesterday 5:05 PM
Hi ChantelleAs you’ve found, there’s no functionality in New Invoicing…
142 votesHi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate all the feedback we've heard from our customers on their use of the Xero network and the importance this is for helping you move efficiently when using new invoicing. Where possible we highly encourage setting up and using eInvoicing as a solution which is wider reaching than just those businesses on Xero, and has more functionality.
In it's current state you can continue to send invoices using the Xero Network from the Awaiting payments list. That said, we've been listening closely and our product team are now considering development to incorporate sending invoices from Xero to Xero within new invoicing, as well as developing on this feature to enable attachments to be included when sending. We'll shift the idea to Under review for now and I'll share as there is more progression of this to update you on.
New Invoicing - Typeable dates in Date fields
On the old invoices/bills I could type "18/2/23" and it would auto fill 18th February 2023. Now I have to scroll back multiple months to get there. It would be good if I could type in the date field boxes again. Specifically on "Add Payment"
282 votesHi team, as you may have noticed we've made a change to the Invoice Date and Due Date fields that now allows you to type in these fields rather than having to select a date from the calendar drop down. It does still require entering delimiters between day month and year such as a '.' or '/' (we understand there are a few situations when entering US date formats and are continuing to look into this).
We're working on also adding this functionality to the Payment date, and I'll keep you in the know of when this is made available, here.
New Invoicing - Move Save button to bottom of invoice like classic
Please move the SAVE for the New invoicing to the bottom as per old invoicing. When you have an invoice with 30-50 items and then have to scroll back up to save it adds to the pressure of getting things done.
Or Better still
Leave the old there until you've got it together and your Paid subscribers are happy.
We are seriously looking at moving away from XERO due to all the changes you impose on us without proper UAT. More often than not it creates more work for us and causes more stress we just dont need in an…204 votesHi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
New invoicing - When sending show organisation's trading name at top of invoice
The email template has changed which accompanies the invoice to the customer. We have a legal name plus a trading as name which people know us by. Currently the legal name is showing up boldly at the top of the email which it didn't before. We would like the trading name to be in this place so as not to cause confusion to our customers, or have the ability to remove it entirely as it has the logo there displaying the correct name.
169 votes -
AU Payroll - Projected Annual Leave
In AU Payroll - can you please add the projected leave balance.
This would be really helpful for employee to plan their leaves.50 votes -
AU Payroll - Ability to apply work patterns to part time employees
Suggest the ability to apply work patterns to part time employees. For example, we have a part time employee who works 7 hours on Mon, 6 hours on Tues and 6 hours on Wed.
At the moment, if a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, it does not correctly work out hours worked.
The same happens if Annual Leave is taken; incorrect hours are calculated which affects AL accruals.
Hours worked have to be calculated and added manually.110 votes -
Navigation - Freeze bar at the top of the page to save scrolling
Can the main pull down bar (Dashboard, Business, Accounting, Projects, Contacts) be fixed at the top of the page? When viewing a screen that has 100 or more lines, it would be a lot more convenient to have immediate access to this than having to scroll all the way back up.
161 votesThanks for your engagement here, Charl. While not a complete solution you may find the use of the 'Home' button on your keyboard helps you quickly navigat back up the page 🙂
- Don't see your idea?