799 results found
AU Payroll - Ability to apply work patterns to part time employees
Suggest the ability to apply work patterns to part time employees. For example, we have a part time employee who works 7 hours on Mon, 6 hours on Tues and 6 hours on Wed.
At the moment, if a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, it does not correctly work out hours worked.
The same happens if Annual Leave is taken; incorrect hours are calculated which affects AL accruals.
Hours worked have to be calculated and added manually.129 votes -
AU Payroll - View payslip in employees record
Option to be able to view payslip in employee file rather than having to download
17 votesHi everyone, while not directly from an employee's record it's possible to view an employees payslip without having to download it. If you select Pay employees from the Payroll menu, choose the required pay run you'll be able to click View Reports where you can choose the 'Payslips' option.
From here you can see the payslips for all employees in that pay period.
We don't have direct plans for adding this capability from within an employee's record atm, but we'll track the interest of this here and let you know if any change is planned.
AU Payroll - Select more than one employee when generating payroll reports
ability to select more than one employee when generating payroll reports, not just a single employee or All employees
17 votes -
NZ Payroll - Make multiple draft pay runs
Ability to draft future payruns - ie more than 1 darft payrun. Especially at Christmas time. I would like to draft up future payruns before Igo on leave, but still have the ability to adjust this week payrun for overtime etc. At the moment I can't move forward until I complete current payrun. or i have to do un unscheduled payrun to fix it. Very time consuming
9 votesHi team, we want to be upfront that we don't have immediate plans for enabling the ability to create multiple draft pay runs in NZ Payroll.
If this is something you'd like to see developed for NZ Payroll please add your vote here and we will continue to get a sense of the overall interest from community, and can share if there are any plans made.
NZ Payroll - Customise descriptions on payslip
It would be beneficial for clients who pay commissions to be able to customise the description on the pay slip (rather than showing just 'Withholding Income') or having to set up various 'Pay Items'.
9 votes -
Payroll: add more reports
The choice of payroll reports is so limited on Xero. Can the suite of reports be expanded so that they can give us the information we need to do analysis on?
21 votes -
NZ Payroll - Annual Leave option to add in Days instead of hours
Would be easier for employees & team leaders approving leave if annual leave is able to be requested in days and half days. Or to have the option to select either days or hours when requesting annual leave through the Xero Me app.
It's the most common complaint I hear from our employees that it would be way easier if they could just put in 1 day instead of working out the hours they want to take off.
18 votes -
UK Payroll - Leave Transactions report
A report that provides details of employees leave to be able to see the leave accruals and leave taken for the pay period.
This would help as an audit trail and when preparing a salary budget or during a salary review.51 votes -
AU Payroll - Naming Convention Payroll ABA
As I am an external accountant to several client, each with several pay-calendars across numerous entities, I would much appreciate if the ABA files (much like pdf reports) could be given a naming convention that ties the ABA clearly to entity, and pay-calendar when I screen through my downloads.
8 votes -
Payroll - Add pay run comparative to prior pay run
When processing payroll, be able to see a comparative between current pay run and previous pay run before completion/filing to identify any discrepancies.
84 votes -
UK Payroll | Timesheet - start and end time input method
Timesheets - being able to change the input method to start time and end time in countries other than Australia (in particular the UK)
23 votes -
AU Payroll - Option to 'Approve & Next' employee
In Payroll --> Timesheet --> entering hours for employees, there is no option to 'Approve & Next' employee, which would make entering hours easier. It would mean one doesn't have to keep going back to the main Timesheet menu when they are working through a roster of staff.
32 votes -
AU Payroll - Report for Workers Compensation
A simple payroll report that shows the actual wages for a period for reporting for Workers Compensation as it is a legal requirement for AU businesses. Details would be split into wages paid including super, with the residency status (+country of origin for Working Holiday Makers) - with a split if an employee has changed employment basis (i.e., moved from Casual to FT) in the period.
And any additional details that are required by the majority of insurance companies who handle Workers Comp.16 votes -
AU Payroll - Fast click Superannuation directly from payrun
Could you please consider adding the feature of adding and processing auto superannuation payments from each finalised payrun (eg button next to "File" that would prefil the contributions in the payrun and further to authorisation). A number of clients are asking for a payday super feature, and adding this feature directly from the payrun will minimise the number of "clicks" and processing time. This also would be a hot topic if moving to compulsory payday super.
8 votes -
AU Payroll - HH:MM entry format for timesheets
It would be wonderful to have the option to use HH:MM format for timesheet entries, instead of only decimal time. Hard to convince employees to do timesheets as it is, but to also ask them to convert two weeks of project works over numerous jobs into decimal format is a big ask! Not many people are used to entering 4.6667 hrs instead of 4hrs 40min. If this is a feature of Xero Practice Manager, can it not be easily made available to the rest of us?
9 votes -
UK Payroll - Option to view leavers in History by leaving date
After the recent Xero upgrade, the ability to view leave dates disappeared from the employees' History. Instead, a column titled "Next pay day" was added, which does not seem useful because the employees have left the company.
13 votes -
AU Payroll - Allow to change settings for Decimal places for pay items.
pay rates rounding by 4 decimal points causing an underpayment of wages. EG: Base rate is 25.65 x 1.5 = 38.475000 but the award rate is actually 38.48. Need a solution for this ASAP.
7 votes -
UK payroll - Turn off automatic journal posting for payroll
As the automatic journal for payroll is not able to be viewed before posting to accounts, we should have the option to turn off automatic journals. Currently, we have to post, then go back and do another journal to split out ER NI & Pension for different departments. This system is so unflexible.
15 votes -
UK Payroll - Journal summary
I would like to be able to firstly differentiate my payroll journals from other journals and then produce an end of year report of the payroll journals.
How you could facilitate this:
-Tick box on the journal to identify it as payroll related.13 votes -
AU Payroll - Job title to appear on payslips
Can you please look at adding a feature to payroll templates which allows Job title to appear under 'Employment Details' on payslips.
8 votes
- Don't see your idea?