Timesheets - New design has limited functionality
I have observed that the timesheets section in the payroll system has been updated. However, this update appears to have introduced several questionable design choices that hinder its functionality and efficiency.
Firstly, the employee list is not sorted alphabetically, which complicates the process of locating specific individuals. Secondly, the system no longer autofill's the default earnings rate, requiring unnecessary manual input. Thirdly, upon clicking the "Approve Timesheet" button, a redundant popup appears asking for confirmation of the approval, despite the action already being explicitly initiated. Lastly, when entering hours worked into a field, the system fails to clear the default "0:00" placeholder; instead, it appends the new input to the end, rather than replacing it as was previously the case.
These design flaws represent a significant regression in usability. I question the oversight process that allowed this update to be implemented in its current state. Who was responsible for reviewing this prior to its release? The deficiencies suggest a lack of thorough evaluation, and those accountable should face serious consequences for this oversight.