AU Payroll - Ability to apply work patterns to part time employees
Suggest the ability to apply work patterns to part time employees. For example, we have a part time employee who works 7 hours on Mon, 6 hours on Tues and 6 hours on Wed.
At the moment, if a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, it does not correctly work out hours worked.
The same happens if Annual Leave is taken; incorrect hours are calculated which affects AL accruals.
Hours worked have to be calculated and added manually.

Warrick Dunn commented
Should be a basic feature of all accounting software. Its actually such a but pain every single payroll!
Karyn Muscat commented
I actually can't believe that this isn't an option. I thought I must have been doing something wrong as I thought this would be just a basic function. Xero really needs to get this implemented...
Sarah Locke commented
This is really more than critical. This flexibility should be in a payroll system especially now that work conditions have become more flexible. I hope this can be done asap.
Accounts Expertunity Pty Ltd commented
A hassle for me every time there's a public holiday or annual leave. The system assumes part-timers work reduced hours across 5 days, rather than allowing for the actual days worked. Along with all the other limitations of Xero payroll, I would suggest they integrate a 3rd-party solution (as Quickbooks did with Keypay) and spend their very limited development dollars on fixing the multitude of other ****-ups that we've been waiting years for.
Ingrid Klausen commented
This function is essential for a flexible workplace with staff working a variety of work patterns, not just the part-time staff. This feature is available in other countries - PLEASE make it available to Australian subscribers!
Daniel Frinsko commented
We currently have an employee asking about this; it's definitely a necessary feature to correctly account for employee leave and hours worked. Surprised that Xero does not allow for this.
Tiarna Nouwland commented
Absolutely a critical function for ensuring leave taken and public holidays are correctly processed and paid.
Nicolas Horton commented
This should also be possible for full time employees. I have 2 full time employees who work longer on a few days of the week and shorter the other days. But agree this is a critical function.
Dawn Austin commented
I'm pretty shocked that Xero does not have the fundamental functionality, especially considering how long Xero has been around for now. It should simply be something you enter in the Employees Pay Template. Come on Xero do better.
Becca Fourie commented
so much manual intervention required for correct payroll calculations. this is needed ASAP
Tracy Newfield commented
Such a basic feature. Needed for EVERY part time employee to calculate leave and public holiday pay correctly. Needed urgently.
Michelle Hill commented
Thanks @Tara Broderick. I'm the founder of a startup, we can't afford 2 systems, As soon as I have time, I'll look into a system with better payroll function (that accommodates pay pattern).
Chelsea Darr commented
This would be a really helpful feature. Half of our staff are part time and so much of time goes into ensuring that their leave and public holiday hours are calculated correct because Xero averages out the hours rather than having the correct hours calculated. Christmas shutdown periods are always time consuming for this reason. Every leave application needs to be corrected and then the total hours need to be corrected again on the pay run. This feature would be a real time saver!
Alison Warry commented
Come on Xero - this should be a standard setting
Tara Broderick commented
@ Michelle Hill - I use an external platform for our timesheets. The Xero timesheets are terrible.
Michelle Hill commented
Please urgently add for AU. Can't believe this simple function is not available. Staff has no trust in payroll, I will need to change to another accounting software.
Geoff Schmidt commented
It's the inability to calculate annual leave correctly that really annoys me. Every leave request has to be corrected before it can be approved.
lindsay mollison commented
do what they did in NZ please
lindsay mollison commented
hi guys
you emailed me advice that this had been fixed - but it seems only for NZ. if you can do it there can you PLEASE fix it for us in Australia.
I've written to you about it before, and filled in feed back forms about it. It is critical and obviously something that can be easily sorted if it has been implemented elsewhere . Apparently KELLY MUNRO fixed it.
See attached post
....delivered · Kelly Munro (Community Manager, Xero) responded
· Aug 22, 2024
Hi everyone, you can now create new working patterns for employees which allow you to add in the specific days and hours they are contracted to work!This improves the default hours used in calculations around public holidays, leave requests, the first pay, the last pay and when working patterns change during the pay period. Thanks again for all your feedback on this here.
Tropical Waste commented
Don't even get me started on Payroll even in classic invoicing. So rigid and inflexible, I've never used a payroll that's so time consuming and ridiculous. Does not cater for shift changes or staff who swap swings, it's a major drama involving SO MUCH prep work of changing each employees setup just to start the pay run. and if you forget just one you have delete the entire run and start again instead of just amending that one empolyees payslip. I could go on as my list of pet hates for Xero's Payroll is long, but I have to think of my Blood Pressure and run a Business. Sometimes I just ring the Accountant and tell to fix it because they forced us onto this program in the first place........