New Invoicing - Add a Print PDF where you can directly print from the invoice (not download)
New Invoicing - I need to print invoices regularly for counter sale customers. Using new invoicing it used to open a new chrome tab when you clicked Print PDF from there you could print or download the invoice easy.
In a recent update (See link the Print button now only allows you to Download invoices.
Please revert to the old system where printing or downloading took the same number of clicks
- Change the current Print PDF button to read "Download PDF"
- Add a new "Print PDF" Button that actually prints the invoice.

Keep Track GPS Pty Ltd commented
Bring back the direct print PDF Button.
If I want to save it as a PDF, I can do it from my printer's print menu.
Or is the preview button a substitute for a direct print button? -
Mike Baptiste commented
This has been an issue from the first time we switched to Xero. It takes SOOOOO long to print an invoice for counter customers - they look at us like 'what are you doing? I already paid!' It's insane how long it takes.
PLEASE add a native browser print button that immediately brings up the browser print dialog. Just about every other commerce/finance site does this.
The best we could do was set the browser to 'Always download PDF' and after downloading a pdf, right click it in the download dropdown and select 'Always Open in (your PDF viewer)' At least this way when we click the Print PDF, it eventually opens in the PDF viewer and we click the print button and then 'OK'. So less clicks, but still a LOT of effort.
Coupled with the multiple seconds it takes to add a payment and get the paid invoice screen, this just adds to the time needed to get a customer on their way.
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Sameer Khanna commented
When select invoices to print.
Print button won't print invoice to the printer, but save as pdf.
Can this give an option to save as pdf or print to send it to printer? -
Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Nicole Neale commented
Why did this even change? You never used to have to download the invoice to print it. My computer is getting filled up with downloaded invoices and packing slips that I only wanted to print.
Rebekah Pedrick commented
This should be an option for other forms too, not just invoicing. Please add an actual Print option to the file that does not require a download prior to printing.
Yvette Herd commented
Need a faster way to print
Don't need to download the invoice everytime
Very time consuming -
Kitty Blackwell commented
I just want to print the invoice, I don't want my computer filled up with downloads.
Tony Lopez commented
Agreed, PRINT should print direct from Xero with no requirement to download a pdf to your drive first. Current 'PRINT' should be relabeled to 'DOWNLOAD PDF'
Nicola Wall commented
I agree with opinions voiced here. I have only ever used the new invoicing but you used to be able to click approve & print which opened the pdf to print, efficient & quick, now following some update at some point it either downloads a copy which I don't want or need so I have to find it, open it & remember to delete it at some point or approve the invoice then click preview once the screen has changed then print...........spend a lot of time waiting for screens to load to print..........this is not an improvement but a serious & time wasting step back......please revert to the old way.
Cathy Purcell commented
Printing out a delivery docket used to be easy - now I have to download the invoice, go to downloads folder (which is getting full of packing slips/invoices - another job go in & delete them) then print out the PDF DD. Time wasting at its best!!
Christina Fielding commented
I still want to print things out and new invoicing seems even more difficult than old invoicing. Old invoicing is difficult and lengthy process. Can this be made easier please - without having to download and export. I miss Intuit Quickbooks (and never thought I would say that!)
Alyssa Faber commented
Absolutely agree with all saying this is counter intuitive and a waste of time! The old method was perfect, opened a new tab to print from and it included a download button for those people who want to clutter their computers with hundreds and thousands of packing lists. It used to be 2 clicks to print the packing list, now its FIVE! PLEASE PLEASE give us back the option to print directly!
Leisa Sams commented
THIS IS A MUST TO BRING BACK THIS FUNCTIONALITY!!! By removing this XERO YOU ARE COSTING SMALL BUSINESS TIME AND MONEY and giving us more reasons to go to your competitors especially when you are taking more and more money from small business for each monthly subscription payment but are COSTING US MORE BY MESSING UP WHAT WAS WORKING WELL!!!
To respond to feedback with a 'customer feedback told us this is what you wanted' and then when the complaints roll through there is inertia to fix a very poor decision is a joke!! STOP MESSING AROUND WITH WHAT IS WORKING WELL, IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGE FOR NO NET BENEFIT IN FACT DETRACTION OF EXPERIENCE FOR CUSTOMERS IS VERY POOR BUSINESS!!
Justin Pugh commented
Currently, It is an annoying waste of time when I just want to print an invoice, but have to download it first and then open and print the file again. It is currently, also a serious security risk as the files have to be downloaded, As we have to then open the downloaded file, print it and then go to the downloads folder and then delete it and then empty the recycle bin if we do not want an insecure file stored on our system!!
I couldn't work out how staff members new exactly what we had sold and how much for, then after some detective work I realized they were checking the downloaded files folder and viewing invoices!!
Download button should mean download!
Print button means print!
Why do we need print button that downloads the file first?
Ashleigh Hoyle commented
This "new" feature is taking up so much time - to download every invoice before I can print it, when I'm doing 30 minimum a day.
Definitely agree with your suggestion - thank you. -
The Mushroom Guys . commented
The download feature is a waste of time! Revert back to the print option.
Jo Lee commented
Definitely need a print PDF options that opens in a tab and a separate download option. The New version started off like this so why the change? It's time consuming and takes up unnecessary space on your PC.
Nicola Wall commented
I used to be able to click "approve & print" and it would open a PDF to print but now it downloads it instead so I either have to acknowledge a message, wait for it to download and click on it to open before printing and then clear out my downloads file at the end of they day or approve it, then click preview, wait for it to display then print. There was always an option to download if needed but now you have taken away the ability to quickly print adding time to the whole process - please put it back to what it was or give us an option to print in one click. This is a backwards move.