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47 results found
2 votes
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
33 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate your engagement with us about Just Ask Xero(JAX) and concerns shared on the data this model uses.
To confirm the LLMs are not trained using any Xero data. The AI behind JAX uses LLMs available from commercial vendors like Microsoft, Google and Amazon, (we have commercial agreements that prevent them from training their models with our customers data), as well as proprietary technology, JAX Assure, that works in concert to support accuracy and security.
JAX is currently in beta - Once your organisation is invited to opt-in to the beta, you can trigger the opt-in buy sending JAX a message in the pop-up window of your dashboard.
However, if you’re not interested in using JAX, don’t send a message, and the assistant won’t be activated. You can also dismiss the pop-up using the 'x' in the top right corner. You'll be prompted once more and can…
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris supported this idea ·
851 votes
Hi community, we value there are many different aspects within new invoicing where our invoicing users can see small changes to flows and actions could make a big difference to your workflow and experience.
I can assure you we’re engaged, we’re listening and we’re taking all your feedback into consideration as we keep building on new invoicing.
While we’ll continue to keep you updated on specific releases that relate to things that’ve been mentioned in this idea, our teams have also begun some research to get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d like to connect with you all in this idea, and invite you to share further feedback through our survey. Your insights will be invaluable to the team as they continue to plan and prioritise in this space.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Remember folks, each time you encounter a bug or something that is obviously broken, you need to lodge it as a ticket. We need to flood them with tickets so they cannot ignore it as easily as they can these comment sections.
Also, I've made it my personal pet goal to comment on every ad of theirs I see on Facebook and I encourage you all to do the same, in addition to posting reviews on sites such as Trustpilot.
We need to file complaints with our relative authorities, citing that they are charging for a service that has been removed and/or had capabilities reduced, they are causing un-compensated losses for our companies and, in certain jurisdictions, creating issues that may cause our businesses to run afowl of tax/revenue authorities by way of record and auditing requirements.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
@Freya Pieroz good point!
I encourage everyone to submit and email to that address, reporting as per Freya's comment below.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Clicks to complete an invoice have increased at least 300%. Even using Tab more often to move between fields cannot solve the excessive click-fest that invoicing has become...
...and don't even get me started on the inconsistency of clicking into a field where sometimes it highlights the current data so you can overwrite and at other times doesn't or puts the cursor in the wrong place so you have to delete and start again...An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Gaslighting at its finest again Xero. Seriously, we are 37 days from Classic being switched off and you are still at a stage of "we're working on it" when it comes to standard features that were in Classic and are yet to be implemented in New. This is not your finest work, to put it mildly, and it is going to cost you a lot of customers on November 20th. I just hope that the share price reflects how badly you folks have fluffed this play and your investors come asking WTAF happened....
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
14 votes
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
7 votes
Thanks for your detailed feedback, everyone. We do find that customers have differing expectations of how clicking a link should behave.
With the current behaviour, opening the contact in a separate tab means that users don't lose any information they may have entered in the invoice.
We don't have any plans for changing this in the near term but it'll be good for us to continue to get a sense of the interest around this from our community here. If there are any changes that may impact this we'll share an update with you all here.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
5 votes
Hi Chris, we appreciate you raising this message with us. It's something our team have added to their backlog but want to be open that we don't have active plans for changing for the time being. We'll continue to monitor the feedback here and I'll share if there is any progress.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
9 votes
Hi Samantha, when referring to send would this be the 'Email' button in classic?
If so this is actually still available in new invoicing, you'll find the option in the 3 dot menu at the top of the page 🙂
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
4 votes
Thanks for confirming, Nicki. I can confirm I've shared this back with the team. We are looking at further improvements to the invoicing grid, so I'll let you know here if there's any news for this.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
45 votes
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
188 votes
Hi community, thanks for on-going engagements with us about how you use the Xero network in this idea. As our team continue work on new invoicing, development for building the Xero Network within new invoicing is now underway, and we'll keep you updated of further news of this, here.
In the meantime, if you've set up Xero network for your contacts you can continue to send these through the Invoices awaiting payments list. As mentioned in my last updated we still strongly recommend exploring eInvoicing as a solution.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
10 votes
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
377 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
I've just about had it with this autosave stuff. I have far better things to be doing with my time, at the moment, than dealing with stupid software and/or the idiotic implementation of so-called "new" updates.
Either get rid of this Autosave feature or give us the option to turn the blasted thing off.
Thanks to this (or the forced revert to "new invoicing"), I've just completely lost YET ANOTHER HOUR OF F***ING WORK!!!!
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
@Olga, @Paul, in Xero's defence they didn't delete my post, I did.
It was in direct reaction to seeing what Sigmatech had posted. However, I wasn't happy with the way I had worded it and wanted to include some helpful links before reposting it to other threads for the wider community.
Nice to know that we are all looking out for one another here though, so thanks for jumping in.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Autosave is a pain. Either get rid of it or let us turn it off. I just created a 12-line invoice and because this stupid system needs to autosave each time I enter or change data in a cell of field, I now have a file history on the invoice that is 35 lines of useless drivel. What a joke!
Not only does it save things that you don't need, it makes the process slower as it won't register the 1st time you click into a field, or the second, or event he thrid sometimes. Copy and pasting into a field is 50% success too depending on it you click in correctly and Ctrl+v...
Seriously took me twice as long as it should have to make this invoice.
I seriously hate "new" invoicing in it's current form and capability.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
I already didn't like Autosave as it causes such a slowdown in operation but now that I see it logs each and every time you change something it makes the file history utterly stupidly verbose and completely useless.
Seriously, either give us the option to turn it off or get rid of it completely. I cannot state strongly enough how dumb it is.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
88 votes
Hi team, we appreciate the added feedback from you on the behaviours from classic that you'd find useful in new invoicing. The invoice number assignment is still a feature that our teams are continuing to monitor closely. Right now, while we don’t have plans for changing the way invoice numbers are assigned, our product teams are considering future improvements - As part of this they are doing some discovery that we’d love to get your contribution to.
We'd like to invite you to share back though our survey here. Insights from this will help our product teams get a deepened sense of our invoicing users. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Yep, it's BS that it's still an issue—like so many other things that should have been fixed by now.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
472 votes
Hi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
If you can make 1 new blank line with a button, you can do 5 or 10, just like it works in classic.
I'm sick and tired of being told "not planned with this release", "not planned with this release"...
You've (supposedly) had 7 freaking years to get "new" invoicing up to scratch and able to do everything that "classic" does.
Stop making excuses and just get it working properly before you take away classic.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
@SG.GS Billing - That is a really good suggestion!
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
I disagree. Automatic new line is a pain as it just adds one line when you enter something in the last line.
When I'm building an invoice, I regularly add however many lines I want first then structure it the way I want.
If I want to add 5 or 7 or 11 or whatever, I just want to be able to click the add a line button, not **** around entering a character in the last line just to get one more.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
@Elise Edwards - You have to fill in some of the info in the last line and it then automatically adds another line.
However, you then need to put data in the quantity and/or unit value fields of the new line or it deletes the new line again.
It is a really stupid change IMO. Classic has an "Add line" button to add as many lines as you like, without auto deleting them again if they were blank for any length of time, which worked perfectly fine previously.
This is a classic example of change for change's sake, that does nothing to improve the UI and actively makes using the UI harder.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
705 votes
Hi everyone, as another step toward improving history of new invoicing you'll find you'll now see an entry when an invoice is sent, and the email address it has been sent to.
We appreciate this is something we've heard a fair amount of feedback on and we hope helps in your journey to using new invoicing.
We still have more enhancements on the way for history and I'll be back again when more updates land.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
@Kelly Munro - Kelly, please see Martin Danger's post below.
Now, please go to your executives and tell them that, as a result of the response from their support staff, we the Xero customers, take it to mean Xero is happy to be held liable for fraudulently altering financial records (because it is "the intended behaviour of the system") and thus misrepresenting our intentions when the inevitable legal case comes up where a company's financial records will need to be submitted as evidence.
Furthermore, as a result, Xero will happily cover the legal costs incurred by said company, as it is acknowledged that it is well within Xero's power to ensure that the system works so that the records can indeed reflect an accurate history of those particular books—they just choose not to.
FYI I have already taken screenshots of this and it will be being made a point of when speaking to Consumer Affairs.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
After seeing someone's comment regarding file history, this morning, I went into the notes and history of the invoice I just created, more out of morbid curiosity than anything else.
For context, on each commission run from our Franchisor, my usual routine is just to go to the last invoice I did (for this particular purpose), copy it to a new invoice and then alter what I need, in order to create a new one.
I discovered that from the moment I created the draft, it was auto-saving each and everything I now, I have 35 lines of utterly superfluous file history that don't contribute anything remotely useful to any sort of auditing history.
I knew other folks have been complaining about the history in the new system but I didn't realise it was this poxy and thought it had been fixed...maybe it has but that rollout hasn't yet made it to my business?
My god, what an absolute cesspool this is going to be for larger invoices if it's doing this level of rubbish for a small 12-line invoice...
To that end, IMO Autosave is poo. Either get rid of it or let us turn it off.
Not only does it save things that you don't need, it makes the process slower as it regularly won't register the 1st time you click into a field, or the second, or even the third. Copy and pasting data into a field is also a 50% success rate, depending on if you click correctly and Ctrl+v...
Seriously took me twice as long as it should have to make this invoice.
Setting aside the colour scheme, the spacing and font size, the controls in hidden places or just moved from where they were previously, I seriously hate "new" invoicing in its current form and capability.
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
383 votes
Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Nope, I hate "Approve and Email". Either make it just "Approve" or give us the option to set our own default.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
What happens if you find a mistake after you have approved, that you need to correct, but now the email has already been sent? Now you get to look like a moron in having to contact the customers, tell them to ignore the invoice and then correct and send another... all because Xero decided, via questionable arbitration, that it was a good idea to do 2 functions with the click of one button.
Sorry, but this is a dumb decision.
Default should be Approve.
Better yet, let us select our own defaults and not be dictated to by a majority of a minority of selected beta tester users.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
Yes, a selectable default would be fantastic as it can then cater for everyone
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
323 votes
Hi everyone, to front foot some of the recent comments we will not be bringing back classic invoicing. With developments continuing within new invoicing, we do want to let you know that our product teams are highly engaged with your feedback and the ideas for new invoicing on the site.
We understand there's good interest in being able to add a payment directly from the invoice screen and appreciate the efficiencies expressed by customers in being able to do this. At present we're reviewing this feature and will move the idea across to Under Review. I'll be back to share more on the outcomes. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
273 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
New Invoicing - Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Draft Invoice Copy.jpg 124 KB -
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Data Entry Draft Invoice.jpg 137 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Invoice Copy.jpg 99 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Data Entry Invoice.jpg 129 KB -
Screenshot 2024-06-18 142006.jpg 97 KB -
Screenshot 2024-01-31 144249.png 23 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2756.pdf 90 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2754.pdf 92 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2737.pdf 94 KB
473 votesThanks for all your feedback here, everyone. The way you add description only lines in new invoicing is a little different to classic and we wanted to explain in hopes it'll help with how you're using new invoicing.
When entering a description only line, you can enter text in the description field of the line. If you add detail to any other field the line will be treated as a 'financial' line and you will need to include Qty, Unit price, Account and Tax rate.
When an inventory item is added this uses the item code field and the line is treated as 'financial', so it's not possible to use inventory items as description only lines in new invoicing atm.
We appreciate this is how many of you here have been making use of inventory and our product team are closely monitoring the feedback we're getting on this. Though we don't…An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
112 votes
Hi community, we appreciate all the feedback you've shared on how we can improve new invoicing for your needs.
In relation to the alert of available credit as raised in this idea, we've identified there are a few situations for Invoice only users where the available credit pop up isn't being shown. This is something we have plans to fix, and while I can't give a specific date on the idea here, we want you to know this is important to us and I'll keep you updated on progress here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Jim Morris supported this idea ·
Yep, as usual they turn on this **** before it's been properly tested...expecting us to test it for them for free.