New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?

Brian Gaetjens commented
There still seems to be no progress towards making the draft invoice auto save "feature" optional !!
Chris Craven commented
The autosave function causes way more problems that it saves.
It auto saves even after a name is put in. Or one line item.I could see how very large businesses with complex invoices might need it.
But an invoices takes 2 minutes to make. So why does it need to auto save it?Add a feature to turn it off. Ive just got heaps of blank invoices in my system now
Mike Johnston commented
Have customers complaining that some invoices are doubled-up this month. One could claim user error, but it shouldn't be this easy for my team to make mistakes. The real cause... autosave creating copies of previous month's invoices, which someone then sent in the end of the month rush. One has been voided as it was clearly an error, creating more problems, which wouldn't have happened if a) autosave had been off and/or b) the classic had stayed on overnight. Now talking to my accountant about moving our 4 businesses off Xero - March/April would be the best timing after all.
Lorraine White commented
I cannot believe after reading all these comments that Xero have still not responded, especially as users are now threatening to move their business away. Doesn't that make this a priority?
Jane Skinner commented
Xero, your customers need to be able to TURN OFF AUTOSAVE if we want to. It is rubbish, leads to errors & makes a nonsense of the "history" of an invoice.
This needs to be implemented BEFORE you force us to use the degraded programme that "new invoicing" is. -
Clare Tayler commented
Xero Support just advised me to switch back to Classic Invoicing!!! I Just found yet another thing in New Invoicing that doesn't work properly - Unbelievable!
Beware some of the placeholders in New Invoicing do not work. I've been sending out Jan invoices, but the message header says 'Feb invoice' - because it is rubbish!
I think the fact that people are resorting to swearing, expresses the level of frustration of being moved to a totally inadequate and time consuming alternative. I am really trying to give New Invoicing a go, but every time I do, it fails. I hate autosave, not only is it better to manually save when you're done, but also it's quicker. I have to actually wait for the autosave to kick in before I 'print' the invoice, or it misses the last thing I entered - utterly ridiculous & timewasting.
I also signed up to the research panel, but no-one has bothered to ask my opinion - just a PR exercise I expect, sadly. -
Dave Pink commented
please turn off auto save ,,, it's f#@king frustrating!!
Margaret Zdunek commented
New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
This feature is now costing us time and money. I really do not understand why this can not be implemented. WE DO NOT WANT OR NEED THIS FEATURE!!XERO WILL YOU PLEASE START LISTENING TO US AND PUT THIS RIGHT.
Sigmatech Accounts commented
Less than 30 days until classic invoicing is removed, and no response from Xero on this.
The most recent update email links to this page
... which has no mention of the ability to turn off or opt-out of autosave.
We are now working to switch away from Xero, as we can't bear the enormous fiscal risk of human error that is baked-in by this new 'feature'.
What a crazy backwards step. Disappointed for our feedback to fall on deaf ears after more than a decade working with Xero.
AK Caust commented
Some sort of response from Xero would be nice. So people understand what their options are (ie move to a software with less headaches - a few come to mind)?
Xero - where is this at??? Are there any plans to resolve by 27 February?
Denise Burley commented
This is clogging up my downloads folder - we deal with 100's of clients every month and it is causing us much more admin time than we would expect - I can't see why this feature is useful when we deal with so many clients - the download folder is really only useful if we were one business not an accountancy practice!
Melinda Edwards commented
Can Xero please advise users if they have any intention of offering the Option to switch Autosave off as so many of its users have suggested.
Emma Salter commented
The auto save feature is really annoying and seems to lag - at times I am having to re-enter the information 3 times as it reverts back to the original (invoice number, for example).
Mike Johnston commented
Surely this auto-save bug/oversight in new invoicing is going to be fixed before 27-Feb??!!??
I had assumed the outright hatred of this was the reason new invoicing was delayed from Dec 2024, but didn't see it mentioned in an update email today...
Every time I copy an invoice without changing to classic first it causes issues and drives me crazy with lost time having to re-draft again.
Jim Morris commented
I've just about had it with this autosave stuff. I have far better things to be doing with my time, at the moment, than dealing with stupid software and/or the idiotic implementation of so-called "new" updates.
Either get rid of this Autosave feature or give us the option to turn the blasted thing off.
Thanks to this (or the forced revert to "new invoicing"), I've just completely lost YET ANOTHER HOUR OF F***ING WORK!!!!
Kelly He commented
Agree - possibly it might be useful for some others but definitely not me. Why would you save a change to the invoice when you have not reviewed it yet. This action should initiated by the user not the system.
Kim Brodie commented
I wish to have auto-save turned off as well. If I want to save an invoice, I'll save it. Also if I've made a change that I no longer wish to keep, then there's no way of going back, there's no version history, and the description in the comments tells me nothing. Most unhelpful. Auto-save has to go.
Chris Curlett commented
With 100's of people in support of this, why will XERO not implement it?
It is a real anoiance to have it and it is a simple default that can be set up in the set up.
I think XERO really ignores these suggestions/pleas for improvements, which is an insult to all users.
Jane Skinner commented
Auto-Save is horrible, & makes an utter nonsense of the history & notes. It is IMPERATIVE to have an option to turn this off.
Microsoft have this as an option for word & excel, so it is clearly possible to do.
This definitely needs to be implemented before we are forced to move to the awful new invoicing programme. -
AK Caust commented
Completely lost on the thinking behind this one. NONE of my clients want it, nor do many other people as per below and feedback elsewhere.
At least make it optional because, for now, it is just causing more "Classic invoicing will be retired on 27 February" headaches and possibly providing nothing to anyone?
It should be off by default, and those who want it (if anyone) can switch it on if they so desire.