Settings and activity
3 results found
153 votes
Justin Pugh supported this idea ·
274 votes
Justin Pugh supported this idea ·
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23 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest for being able to add QR codes to invoices.
While this is something we started looking into this is not something we're developing.
To set the right expectation I'll shift this status to submitted and we can continue to track the interest here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Justin Pugh commented
I would like this feature so that customers can be given links to instruction videos when the purchase goods from us.
Currently, It is an annoying waste of time when I just want to print an invoice, but have to download it first and then open and print the file again. It is currently, also a serious security risk as the files have to be downloaded, As we have to then open the downloaded file, print it and then go to the downloads folder and then delete it and then empty the recycle bin if we do not want an insecure file stored on our system!!
I couldn't work out how staff members new exactly what we had sold and how much for, then after some detective work I realized they were checking the downloaded files folder and viewing invoices!!
Download button should mean download!
Print button means print!
Why do we need print button that downloads the file first?