4639 results found
Tag, Colour Code, or Otherwise Categorize Invoices
It would be really useful if there was an options to tag or colour code invoices in the list view, so that at a glance we could see invoices grouped together for any given reason.
For example most of my invoices are paid via direct debit, so I'd love a way to tag/colour code the invoices that have not yet signed up for the debit system, so that I can see at a glance how many I am still missing and who I need to follow up on.
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item codes
Allow "recurring transactions" like in Myob where those users can set a "job" code to a recurring transactions of multiple lines.. allow for a job eg. Service Vehicle. in one code. for several repeating items
- -- labour
- -- materials
- -- epa ...
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Ability to sort "ALL RESULTS" option from search box
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Edit Item
New Invoicing - Remove the edit button in the item list. It is inconvenient and makes completing an invoice with multiple items harder than the new invoicing already is.
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We have a lot of transaction that include GST, but only on part of the purchase. (Mobile catering business where we shop a lot in supermarkets.) When adding details, it has been very helpful to have the transaction already split into two lines for GST-able component and GST-free component. When entering the amount of the payment that includes GST, (which has to be calculated as receipts mostly show GST included), it would be great if the GST-free line auto-filled with the balance. Obviously this wouldn't solve every breakdown of expenses, but it would save having to use the calculator where…
2 votes -
Expenses - Option to submit NIL mileage claim
Allow users to put in mileage claims at a nil rate per mile.
This would allow the invoicing team to pick up mileage to charge to clients that is not claimed by operational staff: for example, where operational staff have a vehicle provided by the company.1 vote -
Xero Projects - Have an option to "mark all untracked expenses as invoiced"
We have a large project with countless numbers of invoices assigned to the project. I would like an option to be able to "mark all untracked expenses as invoiced" so that we can see what has already been invoiced to the client and so that we can work out more accurate profitability figures. At present, each individual invoice needs to be marked off separately and this can take hours to mark them all off, particularly if the project is large.
Xero currently provides an option to "Mark all times as invoiced", so having the option of "Mark all expenses as…1 vote -
Timesheets - New design has limited functionality
I have observed that the timesheets section in the payroll system has been updated. However, this update appears to have introduced several questionable design choices that hinder its functionality and efficiency.
Firstly, the employee list is not sorted alphabetically, which complicates the process of locating specific individuals. Secondly, the system no longer autofill's the default earnings rate, requiring unnecessary manual input. Thirdly, upon clicking the "Approve Timesheet" button, a redundant popup appears asking for confirmation of the approval, despite the action already being explicitly initiated. Lastly, when entering hours worked into a field, the system fails to clear the default…
1 vote -
History & Notes - Give access to Standard user
It would be nice to be able to give access to the History and Notes to Standard users. Right now it's only visible for Advisors while I believe this is a feature that could be useful to Standard users as well.
1 voteThanks Guillaume that's good context to know. We don't have any immediate plans around this at present but we'll begin to track the appetite here and share if there's any plans made.
Trial balance - Compare Tracking
Trial Balance new report: Be able to run a report by tracking category. At the moment there is only an option to filter but if you have many tracking units you end up running a multiple reports and need to combine them all. Really time consuming.
My proposal attached - with such report you could do any analysis you want!
Option to run it by month "compare with" option a dream!3 votes -
Add VAT to Stripe fees that automatically feed into Xero
When the Strip transaction fees come across for UK customers, the VAT box states 'NO VAT'. All Stripe fees are VATable so the VAT box should be '20% VAT'
Currently have to go into each transaction to change this manually.1 vote -
Rename "Mileage" claim to to "Trip KM's" for countries that use metric system. (All but 3 countries).
It would make sense to rename "Mileage Claim" to "Trip KM's" or something like that.
There are only 3 countries around the world that officially still use the IMPERIAL system (Miles). United States, Liberia, and Myanmar.
It's a term that doesn't come naturally to the rest of the world.
In the back of my mind, I feel that I need to do a "KM's to Miles" conversion calculation, for every trip entry. Even though I know that's not necessary.1 vote -
Customer/Contact Available Credit
Display in the Contact Section the amount of Credit the customer has in his favor because of prepayments made by them. You are able to see the customers credit when you have an invoice they owe for it to be credited to that specific invoice. But it would be super helpful to view in that little summary of the customer, how much he owes the company and if there is any credit in his favor to be applier.
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Payroll - New Timesheets, view in alphabetical order.
The new timesheet - it would be great if the names can be in alphabetical order. Like they were on the previous version.
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NZ Payroll - Make multiple draft pay runs
Ability to draft future payruns - ie more than 1 darft payrun. Especially at Christmas time. I would like to draft up future payruns before Igo on leave, but still have the ability to adjust this week payrun for overtime etc. At the moment I can't move forward until I complete current payrun. or i have to do un unscheduled payrun to fix it. Very time consuming
9 votesHi team, we want to be upfront that we don't have immediate plans for enabling the ability to create multiple draft pay runs in NZ Payroll.
If this is something you'd like to see developed for NZ Payroll please add your vote here and we will continue to get a sense of the overall interest from community, and can share if there are any plans made.
Demo Company (US) - Add the Reconcile Period feature
It'd be great if the new bank reconciliation feature called Reconcile Period was available in Demo Company (US) so we could test it out without impacting live data.
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New Invoicing - Show quantity in Item drop down
You've finally forced us into the new invoicing. Lots of promises were made to fix what was broken with it. Unfortunately these promises are just as broken as the new invoicing. Here's what needs fixed:
When a new invoice comes up automatically set the focus to the name field so it's ready to receive data. Have to click on it.
Fix the date field. If I use the down arrow key it opens up the date widget But then using the left and right arrow keys should move the date off of the current date to either tomorrow or yesterday.…
1 voteThanks for your feedback, Randall. I want to assure you we're still working on features and improvements within new invoicing.
In order for others in community to know what they're voting for and help our product teams get understanding of the specific changes our customers would like to see it's best that these are tracked separately on product ideas site. There are existing ideas for some of the points you've raised here.
Relating to your point on the date field - I'd recommend connecting with our specialists to confirm the behaviour that you're getting and the specific date field this is related to. Once you press enter or space after opening the calendar widget you should be able to use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate the calendar.
I'll update the title of your idea…
Projects - improve reporting
tihs item is listed as completed, and closed for comment. A shame as it is partially completed only. Project Reports | Option to custom reports
Please give us the option to also edit and custom project reports, I need to add fields, run reports by date and add calculation fields. Currently we have to export available reports and edit in excel, it would be great to do it in Xero.Either I have missed something or you still cannot add calculated fields? happy to by advised and corrected.
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Projects - Display potential project margin and variance
To display the potential project margin % and variance from expected invoice and costs as baseline to compare with actual performance. OR allow the project report to be customised to add calculated fields. So staff can instantly see the potential of the project, and look to adjust if necessary before sending to quote or invoice.
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Workpapers - custom tables do not export to pdf
Workpapers 'Custom Work Programme' custom tables do not export when - the space where they should appear is blank / incomplete.
We don't really understand why the workpapers would allow tables that cannot be exported, as from our perspective the purpose of workpapers is to guide and record preparation procedures followed.
From our perspective this is not a product idea request but rather an oversight or error that needs to be resolved.
1 vote
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