4685 results found
CIS Monthly Return report - To include material only bills
Material only bills to be included on the CIS monthly return report to make it easier to reconcile the CIS materials nominal code to the report, confirming that all invoices have been included in the report.
1 vote -
Quote- Multiple formatting options in the "Summary" section.
In the service delivery business the quotation is also your proposal. Having the ability to use bulleting or numbering as well as bold text or underlining would greatly improve the look and feel of your proposal when the "Summary" section is used to describe and summarize the work or project you are quoting on.
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New invoicing: History and notes section
History and Notes - Invoice
Noticed that when an invoice was sent it doesn't reflect the action undertaken as "Sent" instead it posted as "Edited". And it's happening twice on that particular date, once the invoice was open & sent.
Am wondering if this is the correct forum I have to share what's happening with our account. If not, my apologies. And I need some help with regard to the matter.
4 votes -
Adding Item Codes
Hi Xero,
I’m experiencing an issue when adding Item Codes to draft invoices. When I enter an Item Code, Xero automatically overwrites the existing Description field with the saved item details. However, in my workflow, I often need to enter a custom description first and then add the Item Code without losing my original text.
Currently, even if I edit the item in Products and Services and leave the Description field blank, Xero still replaces my custom description with an empty field. I have tried manually entering the Item Code, but it either auto-fills or deletes the text I’ve typed.
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new invoicing
Copy to Draft
We use copy to a draft invoice every day for Sales Entries in a Hotel Business.
The base Sales Invoice has numerous lines for all the possibilities to process each day's
sales. EG: Sales - Bottleshop, Sales - Bar, Sales - Bistro etc. There are approximately 50 lines on each Sales Invoice. Amounts are updated in the row that is applicable. Some rows will be $0 on some days. The GL codes need to stay the same.New invoicing is bring in a "default GL account" when the previous Sales Invoice had a $0 in that line.…
1 vote -
New Invoicing change - I have to now click in Contact Field
New Invoicing change - I now have to click in Contact Field of every Invoice.
Has Xero made a change here?
When I create a new invoice, it used to automatically take me to the Contact field so that I can add the contact.
I now have to Click in the contact field for me to input a contact for the invoice...
This is messing with my muscle memory again...I thought Xero were trying for less clicks, not more clicks?
Am I going insane?
1 vote -
previous bill
Show that vendor's previous bills on the screen when entering a new bill. This helps to see prior amounts and dates to make sure month-to-month expenses are in line.
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aged debtors
Ability to see aged debtors' balance in the currency the invoice was generated in, not just in your base currency, otherwise, it is difficult to calculate how much a customer owes. The same is true when you view the balance for a contact. It shows the issuing currency for each entry, but the total is only shown in the base currency, which is not helpful if you need to inform someone of the balance outstanding.
1 vote -
Classic Invoicing Number Formatting
Can we please get the thousand comma as per classic invoicing? See attached the same invoice in classic and new.
Need to show 35,353.98 (Classic Invoice) not as 35353.98 (New Invoicing).
1 vote -
Repeating Invoices - Assign Invoices to Specific Client Contacts
When you create a repeating invoice give the ability to select a specific contact for the invoice.
We have a client who wants invoices for the two services we provide to be sent to different contacts for approval (one to the marketing dept, one to the IT dept). This is a common issue with other larger clients who have budgets assigned to different departments. Sometimes we just put FAO [name] in the reference and they go to a generic accounts email address, but with this client the invoice needs to go to the approver first.
In repeating profiles it would…
1 vote -
Monthly comparative reporting
Would it be possible to amend Xero settings, so that if you run a balance sheet to the end of February, the comparatives are also run to the end of previous month?
In February, my current month balance sheet is run to 28 February (Xero's choice) and Xero decides that means I also want to see the comparatives run to 28 January as a default setting.
As many month-end journals are posted to, say, 31 January, the balance doesn't include them.
This is very misleading: in any other month, the comparatives are run to the end of the month.
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xero online invoices
xero online invoices show rate & quantity even when posted from XPM which do not show rate or quantity
automatic invoice reminders from xero online are sent with rate & quantity even though invoice settings in xero exclude rate & quantity
xero online invoices should be aligned with XPM in all formats - pdf version & online1 vote -
When in the Files Inbox, we need to be able to highlight multiple files by holding the shift key. (This works in batch payments already)
When in the Files Inbox, we need to be able to highlight multiple files by holding the shift key. (This works in other areas of xero already, like batch payments)
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Users who are 'invoice only - sales' need to be able to view and allocate prepayments when they look at the customer's activity tab.
Users who are 'invoice only - sales' need to be able to view prepayments when they look at the individual customer's activity tab. Currently prepayments do not appear at all.
They only appear when they open an invoice in the old invoicing (this feature has disappeared with new invoicing but is apparently being fixed)
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Cash Coding for Sales Invoice Pay off
For most of my clients, I have to apply hundreds of individual payments to pay off monthly sales invoice. This is very time consuming process. I would prefer to have an option similar to existing Cash Coding feature but applicable to Invoice instead of chart of account. This way I would be able to select multiple bank transactions, apply tax rate and reconcile to single Sales Invoice at once.
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Global Search - is broken.
If I am searching for a customer, say EE Limited, even if I type in the full name, it won't show me the contact, but it will show me transactions.
How about always show contacts at the top?1 vote -
AU Payroll - Increase Size of Drop down within a Payrun when changing between employees
When going to Payroll -> Pay Employees -> (inside your payrun) -> (Inside an employee's pay)
There is an option to drop down the list of employees included in the pay-run to change between. Could this be made much bigger please.Same goes for teh Drop-Down in the Employee Setting Pay-Template tab
1 vote -
AU Payroll - Naming Convention Payroll ABA
As I am an external accountant to several client, each with several pay-calendars across numerous entities, I would much appreciate if the ABA files (much like pdf reports) could be given a naming convention that ties the ABA clearly to entity, and pay-calendar when I screen through my downloads.
2 votes -
Invoice Templates - Automatically update bank account details
Payment information on invoices updates automatically from information held in the payment services section of Xero. Except, using the .DOCX templates, they don't update automatically your business's bank account details.
Scenario - you accept invoice payments direct to your business bank account. Those details are included in the invoice template. You change your bank account details. You have to update each and every invoice template you have to show the new bank account details. However, if you change your Stripe payment information for example, that information is automatically updated in your templates. Why the different treatment?
The different treatment of…
1 vote -
AU Payroll - Show Annual leave in the General Ledger
We need to be able to account for annual leave transactions in the general ledger but Xero does not currently facilitate this. Is there any chance that an update will be done which will allow this? I know that this has already been raised but it is baffling as to why a basic payroll/GL integration is lacking.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?