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191 votes
Hi all, appreciate the interest and rationale for wanting to be able to combine and hide line items on an invoice for sending to your clients, while having your usual detail tracked on the invoice in Xero.
While this may be a function we look to explore in the long-term we want to be upfront that this is not something we’ll be developing in the near term. Our team is focussed on other key priorities right now such as improvements to invoice branding and getting paid.
If you want to hide all line item details, you can create a custom invoice theme where you can decide which data fields appear on the PDF invoice. For example to print only the Subtotal and no line items.
However we’re aware that in other cases you want to be able to show some line items and not others. We’ll leave this idea open…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commented@Tom David
Appreciate the comment but doing a journal entry is what we all have to do at the moment - and we are desperately wanting Xero to come up with a solution which is simple coding for them enabling multiple line items on an invoice which are hidden on the invoice issued to the client
Sadly Xero are not interested in helping us
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedSadly Xero continue to ignore this really important request and don't even have the courtesy to make a comment
Makes this notice board forum farcical
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedSad to say Amanda that despite multiple requests over YEARS for this solution to be integrated into the Xero product the powers that be at Xero simply ignore us all
Moreover they don't even acknowledge our request which makes a total mockery of this ideas board
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedThis point has been raised for years by numerous customers but Xero continue to ignore our request
They don't even have the courtesy to acknowledge our business needs.
Xero Customer service is actually a shambles being non-existent
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedXero's message board here is farcical. This idea continues to be raised here as it has for years - and is massively important to many businesses including mine yet they choose to do absolutely nothing and don't even tell us this improvement is going to be implemented
What a complete joke
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedSadly this issue has been raised by numerous customers for 3 years or so yet Xero completely ignore us and haven't even got the courtesy to speak to us about when this really important function will be added
What kind of customer service is this?
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedNo comment or update from XERO suggests they have no interest in listening to their customers on this
I spoke to their help desk on this in the past who were dismissive
Very disappointing service indeed
Bob Crawford supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedVERY keen for XERO to offer this but so far they have show zero interest in sorting this out
Numerous clients who use XERO allocate sales revenues across multiple accounts and do not want to show this on sales invoice so have to do this manually at present which defeats the whole object of XERO which is meant to be user friendly
PLEASE get this fixed XERO
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob Crawford commentedI am VERY keen to have a function where I report one line to a customer but am able to allocate the revenue across multiple accounts within our accounts
I would have thought this function is important to many businesses - for example those that pay a small commission on sales to an intermediary
Or where there are different revenue streams that need to be recognised for management accounting purposes - but only one total amount is to be shown to the client
This function has been requested elsewhere on Xero for well over a year but does not seem to have been considered or actioned by Xero
Please help !
Xero really couldn't care about this - this is regularly highlighted but for well over ten years continues to be ignored
VERY disappointing "customer service"