Currently irrespective of a locked date in Xero, HubDoc will publish a document within a locked period - this is problematic and in my opinon cause greive from a reporting aspect.
Could a change please be made to prevent publication in HubDoc of documents for a locked period. With a message to indicate "Unable to Publish due to Locked Period". The User will then have the option to Unlock the date in Xero if required or have the date as the 1st of the current reporting period.
Locked Dates & Integration with Xero.
Currently irrespective of a locked date in Xero, HubDoc will publish a document within a locked period - this is problematic and in my opinon cause greive from a reporting aspect.
Could a change please be made to prevent publication in HubDoc of documents for a locked period. With a message to indicate "Unable to Publish due to Locked Period". The User will then have the option to Unlock the date in Xero if required or have the date as the 1st of the current reporting period.
Kind regards