Most of our orders are pre-paid online before being imported to Xero. It looks totally unprofessional to have an invoice email highlighting a zero balance in large bold text at the top of the email. The whole idea behind custom templates is that users have the flexibility to customise them to meet their business requirements.
Unchecking the 'Include action to online invoice and detailed summary' option as suggested by Kelly Munro of Xero in the above post has no effect.
This has definitely not been fixed. This post below needs re-opening so it can be addressed:
Most of our orders are pre-paid online before being imported to Xero. It looks totally unprofessional to have an invoice email highlighting a zero balance in large bold text at the top of the email. The whole idea behind custom templates is that users have the flexibility to customise them to meet their business requirements.
Unchecking the 'Include action to online invoice and detailed summary' option as suggested by Kelly Munro of Xero in the above post has no effect.