New Invoicing - Hide detailed summary on email
The new invoicing email sends a detailed summary of the invoice as part of the email. We would like the option to opt out for this like the old email template. We like to breakdown our invoicing internally for reporting purposes but the client does not need a breakdown of line items, just a total. We use custom invoicing templates so that we dont show line by line breakdown and the new email overrides this. Please do not switch off the old invoicing module until this is fixed. Downloading an invoice and sending it through my emails is time consuming and defeats the purpose of this new invoicing portal.

Hi everyone, we appreciate all the attention this idea has received and while I know this has been mentioned by others earlier in the conversation we wanted to confirm it is currently possible to remove the detailed summary from showing within the invoice email.
This is controlled within Email settings and updating your email templates for sales invoice.
If you open your template you'll see an option for 'Include action to online invoice and detailed summary'.
Having checked in with our team we have no plans for changing this flow in the short term, however this is a one time action so once you uncheck and save the template you'll find this removes this formatting from any invoices you send with the template applied.
Kathy Skinner commented
I've turned off the option for the new email template on all my clients which you can do. Xero set it as the default version. Need to go into email settings to change back to the old view for the email template and reset it back to Default and uncheck Include action to online invoice and detail summary.
It was a pain to do but worth it and Xero should never have reset the new version as the default in the first place and allowed us to choose which one to use. -
Rydgeview Contracting Limited commented
The new email template is absolutely horrible! Why would you have the amount in massive bold letters of what we are charging them!its so rude, not to mention having the legal/trading name now added which is a nightmare for businesses that legal name is diff from the trading names. This should all be customisable.
Natalie Grigg commented
Option to customise sales invoice emails from XERO to clients - need to have the ability to decide how much invoice information is included in these emails. Specifically the option to remove the invoice line items from the email body.
Joelle Nebbe commented
Wait, the new invoicing does not allow customised email?
Deirdre Wilson commented
Ta da! This is how much I am charging you!!!
That is not the message I want to go out with my invoices.
There is nothing about the new email design I am prepared to send to my clients. I am now downloading invoices as pdfs and manually sending them.
Very big fail Xero.
Claire Parker commented
The layout of emails generated in New Invoicing is causing a problem for bill entry too. Please see attached. The new invoicing email contains 4 separate links to the invoice. 2 are green bars Review and Pay, one is a https: link and the fourth is just blue text View full invoice and pay. This is both ugly and confusing for a customer, and needs to be cleaned up. The green Review and Pay links take us to a blank tab and nothing happens when we try to login and save the invoice. Apparently this is a known bug, but has not been communicated and users are having to create time-consuming support requests to find out. We cannot manually enter multiple lines on an invoice, as it is affecting productivity, and need the link to work to bring across all the information.
David Shearer commented
We need to be able to modify the email template as we like. This change was a backward step by Xero.
Donal Whelan commented
This is still broken. You can't turn off the old invoice system when the new one looks this clumsy.
The option is there in the email template to "Include action to online invoice and detail summary" which turns on and off some other spurious details that were never there in the original invoice email.
But even with the box un-ticked you still get a big logo and the invoice summary in huge letters before I can even greet my client.
Do you guys not see the elegant simplicity of the old-style email and the respectful client communication it represents?
Kathy Skinner commented
I had the same issue with that in the cover email. I have turned it off on all my clients as it was automatically set by Xero and again they never seem to mention that change. I didn't realise it had been changed till I saw another comment about it and Xero said it could be turned off if you didn't want it.
You need to go into settings - email templates then select the sales template and uncheck the box that says include action etc - I've re-set it back to default but it was a nuisance having to go through each clients templates to do that. This should have been left as an option for someone to turn on not set by Xero. Shows they have no respect for their customers in my opinion to do that and everything else they are doing with the upgrades/etc. -
Christine Lake commented
Well said Andrew. Thank you for sharing
Andrew Chadwick commented
Feedback on the Updated Email Invoice Template: Prioritising Client Experience Over Financial Details
As a business owner wholly committed to providing exceptional customer service, I've encountered significant issues with the new email invoice template that I believe warrant urgent attention from the Product Team.
1. Focus on Experience, Not Payments: Our aim is to immerse our clients in a seamless service experience. By prominently featuring payment details in the email, it inadvertently shifts the client's focus from the quality of service to financial transactions. Clients should have the option to review detailed financials at their discretion by accessing the invoice themselves.
2. Redundant Summary Details: Entities responsible for payments meticulously review each invoice item to process payments accordingly. Therefore, summarising these details in the email adds no functional value and complicates the payment process, as they cannot merely pay a lump sum based on the email summary.
3. Simplicity is Key: Our clients prefer straightforward communication. The additional elements introduced in the new template clutter the email, deviating from the clean and direct format that our clients appreciate.
4. Privacy Concerns: The new template increases the risk of financial information being exposed inadvertently or through security breaches. The visibility of invoice details within emails could potentially reveal sensitive client data to unauthorised viewers, thereby compromising privacy.
5. Request for Consistency: The Classic Invoicing system's email template was well-received and effective. Is there a specific reason why the Product Team cannot maintain this format? Keeping it would avoid these issues and support our goal of delivering an undistracted, high-quality client experience.
I believe reverting to or allowing an option to maintain the Classic Invoicing email template could significantly enhance the service experience we strive to provide. I would appreciate the Product Team's consideration of these points and look forward to a resolution that aligns with the needs of businesses focused on providing an exceptional client experience.
Andrew Chadwick
Marney McDonald commented
How Can I remove our Company Name as the "header" when I send out our weekly invoices via email? Our customers are returning their invoices to me saying this is not for us as they think the company name is who the invoice is made out to (ie company name is not our trading name). I have tried to change the settings in email settings - it seems this is not an option to change.
Alistair Eldred commented
I'd like to remove the trading name from the header in some templates as it doesn't apply for all clients. I can change this in the PDF and invoice itself but recently this has been added to the email and can't be changed.
Samantha Coxhead commented
We have made a sales invoice template that states the invoice is due 'on completion' however when we email this to the client the #due date is still visible in the header of the email which apparently can't be amended. The ability to take this off would be good otherwise there is no point in having an amendable sales invoice
Donal Whelan commented
Agreed, this sucks. I've un-ticked the checkbox on the email template and the ugly View Invoice banners have gone, but the un-necessary invoice summary remains.
All the invoice details are in the invoice itself, it doesn't need to be in the email body. The email is just a cover letter which we use in a very informal fashion.
Switching back to Classic Invoicing until this is resolved.
Val Baker commented
Add functionality to change the email headers. Currently the email header is in giant font (which feels like I'm shouting at our client) and shows information that is irrelevant for us. The ability to customise the header to suit our business would be great.
Shirley Zhang commented
Hi Paul, looks like theyve fixed the email template tick box. They released it with it not working and I had the tick box not selected and it was still sending the breakdown but just tested and its now working as designed it seems
Paul McCormack commented
Shirley - I found where you can disable this yourself:
under Settings > Email Settings > Templates. Click on Sales Invoice and you will see a tick box already enabled 'Include quick link to online invoice and detail summary'. Untick this box. It's a shame Xero automatically enabled this box with introduction of this feature. It should have been optional.
Kathy Skinner commented
Xero doesn't really listen to their customers and seem to decide what they will do as far as development goes. Maybe if they actually had to use the system like we do then they might actually understand the complaints. Getting tired of them just going ahead regardless of what their subscribers say, none of this new invoicing or the email template should be implemented until it's fully sorted. Why not just update the classic instead or is that too difficult for them and leave the email template alone altogether.
Tanya McNamara commented
We predominantly invoice out of XPM using multiple line items (because of multiple tasks and disbursements recovered) - our invoice template has been specifically formatted so that the recipient just receives a total for the invoice and can't see the breakdown of each line item in the PDF attachment.
With the new email template, the recipient can now see the line by line totals in the main body of the email received. This is a major problem and there is no good reason to have this extra information displayed to the customer in the invoice email.
This is not good enough Xero and you need to rectify this oversight immediately! Surely the source information in XPM should not be there for everyone to see.