When adding reimbursable expenses to invoices, there should be an option to automatically attach (ideally as a combined pdf) all evidence that is already attached to the Xero transactions being included in the invoice.
Contractually our clients require any reimbursable expenses on invoices to have receipts attached as evidence of the incurred expenses. We can add these reimbursable expenses to the invoice as either a single line item or separate line items, however our clients understandably want to see the receipts to match these.
E.g. meals, flights, hotel accommodation etc that we've paid for on our company credit card. We either reconcile these spend money transactions in Xero and then add a photo of the receipt, or if it's an email charge we've emailed the invoice to Hubdoc and then reconciled that way. In both examples, we've assigned the billable expense to a client so that we can add these to the next invoice. The spend money transactions all have file attachments with receipts/invoices.
Xero has the evidence attached to each transaction, but there is no way to export these or add these as another file to our invoice. We have to manually download each receipt/photo from Xero, save to our computer, then manually create a pdf and email that to the client along with our invoice. It is laborious, double handling and wastes so much time.
When adding reimbursable expenses to invoices, there should be an option to automatically attach (ideally as a combined pdf) all evidence that is already attached to the Xero transactions being included in the invoice.
Contractually our clients require any reimbursable expenses on invoices to have receipts attached as evidence of the incurred expenses. We can add these reimbursable expenses to the invoice as either a single line item or separate line items, however our clients understandably want to see the receipts to match these.
E.g. meals, flights, hotel accommodation etc that we've paid for on our company credit card. We either reconcile these spend money transactions in Xero and then add a photo of the receipt, or if it's an email charge we've emailed the invoice to Hubdoc and then reconciled that way. In both examples, we've assigned the billable expense to a client so that we can add these to the next invoice. The spend money transactions all have file attachments with receipts/invoices.
Xero has the evidence attached to each transaction, but there is no way to export these or add these as another file to our invoice. We have to manually download each receipt/photo from Xero, save to our computer, then manually create a pdf and email that to the client along with our invoice. It is laborious, double handling and wastes so much time.