Billable Expenses - Files to copy through to the Sales Invoice
Ability to have a copy of billable expenses to the sales invoice.
Purpose: Save them time from having to send another email of copies of the expenses.

Chris Ekins commented
Requests/complaints for this functionality have been around for literally a DECADE.
Seriously? LISTEN to what your customers are saying and FIX THIS!
Mark McPartland commented
Still waiting. The receipt images/files alrady exist in Xero as are on the Billable Expense that you are assigning to the invoice, so it should not take much for your dev team to bring those same files into the Invoice. Whats the delay Xero?
Instead we need to go find all those same files either outside the system and upload them again, or go to each expense, download files and upload. Such a time waste
Ravi Punjabi commented
THis is absolutely outrageous that XERO doesn;t do this and is lying about the issue not being raised as it has been raised as far back as 6 YEARS ago. I swtiched over from quickbooks and finding xero to be a PAIN. Xero make this work.
Martin le Huray commented
Crazy this feature isn't available. Absolutely business critical. Digital banks have exportable receipts as a standard feature which works better than Xero Expenses do currently therefore. I will stop my expenses subscription until this feature is added.
Amherst Accountancy commented
When a bill is marked as rebillable the attachment with the original bill does not automatically attach to the sales invoice when raised so each rebilled expense has to be downloaded and re-uploaded manually, if this could be automatic or an option then that would be good as many clients require evidence of the rebilled expense.
Dan Ross commented
This would be a no-brainer. Am a bit disappointed it isnt already a toggle.
Michelle Lohse commented
Dear Xero Team, It is widely acknowledged that many businesses often require the ability to on-charge either a portion of or the entirety of a bill to an existing client or project with the ability to attach the original bill.
Given this common necessity, it seems somewhat overlooked that this functionality is not currently available in your system. Implementing such a feature would be invaluable, particularly for businesses that handle numerous bills needing to be allocated to various projects or clients on a weekly basis. Moreover, considering the competitiveness of accounting technologies in the market, would it not be in your best interest to enhance your platform in this manner with an immediate fix?
Ian Whitmarsh commented
Please please please add this feature.. re-billing expenses is a nightmare now.. as we can't attach the orginal uploaded expense attachments
Ian Whitmarsh commented
If we are billing expenses, we should be able to attach the expense copy added when we create the expense to the invoice.. just like we can add attachments to regular invoices.
Very inconvenient that this isn't possible. -
Lynley Twyman commented
All my expenses need to be transparent ( we are responsible for public money). Under the new version of Invoicing I cant event figure out how to do it. The process is overly cumbersome - see attached) and adds hours to something that should be simple as the data is already in the system.
Zeenat Bulbulia commented
It would make a huge difference and be much easier to manage. YES PLEASE !
Kylie Going commented
This would be a HUGE improvement and save me HOURS AND HOURS of time each month
Catriona Pratt commented
As a charity we are using project for funders and some funders want to see all the receipts for the items we have bought. Some of those are through expenses and scanned receipts, some are invoices. We need to be able to send the overview and the receipts to a funder
Mick Varidel commented
Would be fantastic to have this feature.
Alexandra Macleod commented
This would be so useful! We have a number of clients that would use this functionality!
James Barr commented
This is an absolute no-brainer.
Margaret Valletta commented
It is so time consuming to have to go back and look up every single expense that is being billed to the intended client so that we can. download and then upload those receipts to the billed client. Why on earth would those receipts not carry through for us to decide if we want to have them "viewable" to the billed client or not? If you are going to provide us the means to bill items to clients, we should also have the files transfer over and THEN have the option to include or not include them as visible to the client. Its just good, simple paper trail. Lets get this done please!
Andrew Green commented
Yes. very much yes. +1
Mark McPartland commented
As a Small business user I want to see Expense receipts that are already captured in Expense process included as attachments when those expenses are added to an Invoice
When invoicing customers and claiming expense costs we need to show them receipts for these expenses
But when creating an invoice using expenses the receipts are not carried across.
(This is the case whether expenses have been assigned to Project or Customer and creating an invoice through the Project module or Invoicing Page)
This results in having to find and reattach all these same files again.
Very time consuming & frustratingA number of people have raised this issue in support requests in the past going back years:
So it has backing
Rob Clarke commented
Surely to do this isn't rocket science. Xero please do it