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221 votes
Thanks for the feedback and great to hear the use you find in repeat templates in Xero.
While there's no way to bulk update templates atm, you may find updating your templates through export & import of invoices more helps quicken things up?
You could export invoices that have been generated from your template to CSV, update the amounts in the exported file, and then re-import.
This will create 'Draft' invoices in your Xero org from which you can create a Repeat template and then delete the draft. 🙂
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Louis de Kock commented
Maybe we as the Xero users are also to blame... Look at all the features that add very little value to the product that have over 500 votes.
Get every person you know, every company and client that uses Xero and are pulling out their hair because of this poor implementation of repeating invoices to upvote this feature request and maybe they will take note.
An error occurred while saving the comment Louis de Kock commented
"Do not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands..."
Save your breath and time, Xero is not going to listen or implement this request. I have been asking for 4+ years and nothing has been done. Their solution is to export to excel, update and re-import, which is also a massively time consuming method prone to mistakes as it is still basically a manual process.
This is why we don't recommend Xero to any client with any form of repeating invoicing, if this is an important requirement for you, I'd suggest looking at another product like Quickbooks, which does it flawlessly.
Sad thing is they could keep their current broken method which they seem to think is preferred and just add a check box or option for those wishing to pull repeating invoice costing from line items.
An error occurred while saving the comment Louis de Kock commented
This is a feature your competition has been offering for years, would immediately attract more clients.
Louis de Kock supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Louis de Kock commented
Hi Joseph...
If Xero was to allow an option for repeating invoice amounts to update from the line item amounts (like all other accounting packages do) this would resolve this issue as you could simply update your item price before the next invoice run the invoices would be generated with the correct amounts.
We are also considering other options as it is becoming hugely time consuming to update our prices (which change monthly) for an increasing number of repeating invoices. Sad thing is the amount of line items is like 10 for all these invoices, so a 2-day process could take 5 minutes if we had the option for prices to update from the product prices.
An error occurred while saving the comment Louis de Kock commented
We have been asking for this very simple feature ever since we started using Xero 4 years ago. It's something all other cloud accounting packages like Quickbooks is able to do by default.
The way repeating invoices have been implemented by Xero is backwards and makes no sense, it's as if the developers don't care about how much extra labour they are creating for clients by refusing to implement something so straight forward.
We also do subscription based services with invoices exceeding 1000 per month, our pricing changes on a monthly basis meaning we have to sit for DAYS each billing run to update prices before invoices can be sent.
Alternative is simply select option for repeating invoices to update from line item prices, which would make the updating of prices a 5 minute process instead of days.
Exporting and importing doesn't make the process much faster, it's still over 1000 invoices that have to be updated and checked every month, and as a previous poster commented this opens the door for mistakes to creep in.
9 votes
Louis de Kock supported this idea ·
Hi Nigel Boot
Xero is not going to implement this change, it's been asked for for more than 5 years already, they do not even respond anymore.