We always have to edit our Xero generated Invoice PDFs by hand to include our un-redacted Federal Tax ID (the Employer Identification Number, or EIN). I can understand this if the business is a sole proprietor and the Tax ID is their personal Social Security number.
One solution is to add a child checkbox in the Invoice Setting page under Display Tax ID to display it as redacted or unreacted. It could be redacted by default if there's a concern.
We always have to edit our Xero generated Invoice PDFs by hand to include our un-redacted Federal Tax ID (the Employer Identification Number, or EIN). I can understand this if the business is a sole proprietor and the Tax ID is their personal Social Security number.
One solution is to add a child checkbox in the Invoice Setting page under Display Tax ID to display it as redacted or unreacted. It could be redacted by default if there's a concern.