Settings and activity
2 results found
370 votes
Adam Stokes supported this idea ·
100 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest his idea has received. Introducing the ability to add a discount amount was highly requested by our community. We recognise for customers that discount by % this means you'll need to enter a % symbol where y ou wouldn't have done so before.
With quite a few items drawing our teams attention at present we want to be upfront that developing a default option for discounts isn't in the pipeline atm. This is something we'll keep reviewing and consider as a future improvement in this space. If there is any change or progress around this I'll let you know on the idea, here.
Adam Stokes supported this idea ·
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This is by far the biggest issue with the updated invoicing (one of many). We've spent years using the % as default , so much so that it has become second nature. now we are expected to remember to press the % button every time witch undoubtedly will get forgotten thus either costing me money or loosing business because I haven't given enough of a discount!!! I'm am shocked and most of all disappointed you guys at Xero for thinking this was a good idea