We'd like to be able to filter submitted expense claims from staff by date to help with our internal processing deadlines. It is difficult that in the current set up, all expense claims submitted by an individual are lumped together on Xero, regardless of the date receipts were submitted. Even while we are approving and paying expense claims, staff can continue to submit new claims which are added to their current claim. If we could filter (for example on any claims submitted before 22nd of the month) we could pay those and ignore newer ones until the next pay round.
We'd like to be able to filter submitted expense claims from staff by date to help with our internal processing deadlines. It is difficult that in the current set up, all expense claims submitted by an individual are lumped together on Xero, regardless of the date receipts were submitted. Even while we are approving and paying expense claims, staff can continue to submit new claims which are added to their current claim. If we could filter (for example on any claims submitted before 22nd of the month) we could pay those and ignore newer ones until the next pay round.