Expenses - Ability to filter by spent date
To have a filter or sort option on expenses to filter by spent date.
Purpose: To easily check whether expenses have been entered by the users or not.

Judy Reynolds commented
We'd like to be able to filter submitted expense claims from staff by date to help with our internal processing deadlines. It is difficult that in the current set up, all expense claims submitted by an individual are lumped together on Xero, regardless of the date receipts were submitted. Even while we are approving and paying expense claims, staff can continue to submit new claims which are added to their current claim. If we could filter (for example on any claims submitted before 22nd of the month) we could pay those and ignore newer ones until the next pay round.
Jo Whapham commented
this is just common sense. Those items awaiting approval should also be at the top in the app, not mixed up with those which have been approved. The new app is a lot harder for approvers to use than the old app. It appears that this has not been tested by people who have a number of credit cards with multiple approvers. Very disappointing
Sarah Sargent commented
This was reported 2 years ago. Since then I have spoken to so many people who agree with me however it is never commented on by Xero at all. How hard can it be to action this? It is more important than updating all the reports. In addition to this, when I update an expenses claim to the correct VAT rate, it doesn't update the bill so I have to find and recode once I have finished checking the 300+ claims per month!!
Douglas Maitland commented
At the moment I shudder every month when I have to enter and submit expenses because of the awful UX on this feature. Why on earth we can't sort a list by date is beyond me. The simplest bit of user-interface to update. I have created so many duplicate expenses in the past.
Sarah Sargent commented
I totally agree that this needs addressing and I am surprised that there are not more comments regarding this. It is impossible to see duplicates, especially where there are many similar journeys e.g. mileage, train, taxi etc. In addition to this, not being able to filter out claims outside of my date range would be such a help. Come on Xero!
Johannes Venter commented
Need to have it sorted by date spent or description. This is crucial to have as it is very difficult and time consuming to search for expenses submitted in case you need to find a possibly missed or duplicate entered expense.
Pieter Boshoff commented
Almost nobody in our company submit everything on the date they spend the money so it’s a real pain to try and sort through this
Sarah Sargent commented
We have over 400 expenses per month and sometimes they go past the cut off date. This means scrolling up and down past all the irrelevant claims while checking them all for correctness.