Old invoicing used to suggest email addresses that previous emails/invoices to the same client had been sent to (along with the default email address). We could click on the suggestions and the 'to' section was auto-populated with them all. This no longer happens on new invoicing - instead you have to type out entire email addresses. This is unhelpful as (1) I have to check elsewhere who to send the invoices to whereas before I could copy the last invoice easily and (2) I'm wasting time typing several email addresses and checking they're correct when if old suggestions were available, I could just click on them and know all was fine.
Old invoicing used to suggest email addresses that previous emails/invoices to the same client had been sent to (along with the default email address). We could click on the suggestions and the 'to' section was auto-populated with them all. This no longer happens on new invoicing - instead you have to type out entire email addresses. This is unhelpful as (1) I have to check elsewhere who to send the invoices to whereas before I could copy the last invoice easily and (2) I'm wasting time typing several email addresses and checking they're correct when if old suggestions were available, I could just click on them and know all was fine.