270 results found
Email Settings - Custom sending domain security SPF;Dkim;Dmarc
With the implementation of Google and Yahoo email security please enable the ability to send out invoice, quotes and statements using our own domain.
We are seeing more emails that are sent from within Xero being flagged as Spam or put in Quarantine, especially if the recipient is using Outlook 365.
Xero needs to implement the ability to send from Xero from our own domain.
Please furnish us with SPF sending ip/include host name and DKIM certificate. This will reduce the number of email blocked/junkmail, and increase the security of mail sending.64 votes -
Remittance advice: more email address options
PO and Remittance advice - separate email address - ability to select different email address for sending PO and remittance advice to supplier. Currently able to add mutiple email addresses to contact, but then required to remove the unwanted email address when sending a PO or remittance advice. This can be labourious when creating a batch payment.
30 votes -
Invoices - Ability to send Invoices and statement to seperate email addresses
Some purchase contacts have requested that invoices be sent to an accounts email while statements are to be sent to a different email address, both of which are different from the person who is the actual primary contact. It would be advantageous for Xero to incorporate this to allow for the invoices and statements to be sent to the correct emails without the necessity of sending every document to the primary contact or to each other which is not required or desired.
343 votes -
Contacts - Bulk Archive option if inactive for an extended time
Bulk archive option for any contact either supplier and customer with no activity after 2 years or at least being able to run a report for the same inactivity (Smart list does not offer the options needed)
13 votes -
Email - Ability to cc and bcc sent emails
Ability to cc and bcc when sending emails from xero.
This would be very useful as we have many clients that like to have various other people copied in.
72 votesHi community, we value your engagement in product ideas here. As you may have seen we've recently rolled out a new send experience in new invoicing.
With this new side-by-side view you'll find you can also CC and BCC other emails 🎉
While this feature is contained to new invoicing atm, we'll look at applying a similar experience to other areas of Xero that you can send from in the future, so we'll keep you updated of any further developments for this here. Thanks!
Contact List - View contact group and last activity date
In Xero, under All contacts, would be great if we & please add had more columns or choices to add certain column of attributes of the contact showing if they are in a group, and possibly a last action date of last transaction, so that any can be easily Archived, when they haven't been accessed in a long while. Thanks!
8 votes -
Support - Schedule a phone call using online chat
Would appreciate if the bot can confirm a schedule conference call. Made an appointment but no confirmation. In the end kept waiting for call to start. Of course nothing happen….
43 votesHi everyone, we appreciate seeking urgent help, however right here you're in Xero Product Ideas. This is where you can join and vote on ideas for change at Xero, this is not a direct line to support. This is a public forum where anything you post is visible to others - Please keep this in mind when sharing your details.
While we don't have an inbound number you can contact our Xero Support team, you can reach them anytime by raising a case through the Contact Xero Support tile found at the bottom of most pages throughout Xero Central.
If you can provide a little detail on your questions or what you're needing help with we'll be bale to get you in touch with someone with the best skills to help, and generally our specialists are happy to arrange a phone call at a time that suits you.
Email Templates - Add image and hyperlinks
Can customise email signatures. Add feedback links in emails
67 votes -
New Invoicing - 0.00 values appearing in the invoice summary on invoice emails which should not appear
There is system wide error in the back-end template that you use to generate invoice emails. Please refer screen captures attached. You will see that I have two lines in my Invoice 005614 that are text descriptions of services only so are effectively subheadings and have no account code and no "value". They appear correctly in the PDF invoice with a blank in the "Amount NZD" column but they appear incorrectly with a value of "0.00" on the email the customer receives. I'm annoyed at myself that I have never noticed and reported this bug before because it looks these…
3 votes -
Customer Statements - Option to remove links to invoices
Have the option to remove links to invoices on Customer Statements
140 votesHi everyone, thanks for your interests and sharing on the idea here. Being totally open, we don't have plans in the near term for any change that'd solve for the idea here. This may be something we consider down the line and will keep the idea here open to continue monitoring.
For the time being, we wanted to share a way you can remove links from the customer statement using a custom branding theme that you'd apply when sending a statement.
Once the new branding theme is created, you can select it when printing or sending the customer statement, and the invoice link will be removed.
New invoicing | Send - Find email
With the old Invoice system, the message will correctly prompt the email address for that contact. If I choose instead, to send the message to another contact email first, I simply clear the prompted address and begin to type the intended address and the full address is usually prompted after typing the 1st 3 letters. Is there a way we can make the NEW INVOICES do this? Surely this can be done in the new Invoice Format..???
10 votes -
Notes - Ability to Tag users
It would be really useful to be able to tag users in the notes of documents, like to create a task or ticket so they are aware of whatever is needed to be changed/be aware of regarding a certain bill.
Otherwise an internal communication/ ticket/email needs to be sent, this would simplify all the daily work and make the notes actually useful7 votes -
how to track sending emails
I dont think this feature has carried over properly from the old xero - when I email an invoice from drafts, 'awaiting approval' or paid, it doesn't always show that I've sent the email over to my customer (in the history and notes section) Is anyone else experiencing this?
3 votes -
Sub Clients for Invoicing
Many of our clients have multiple project specific groups, so that for a given client we might have "project A" and "project B" - individual projects for the client may have different payment terms, and will almost certainly have different specific email addresses that invoices need to go to - however they use the same entity.
We currently can't create a separate entity (as the invoice would then not be made out to the correct legal entity), and this means we then have to modify the addressee and payment details each time we invoice this client.
A few possibilities:
- add…
3 votes -
Contact - Sub Categories
Would it be possible to create a contact who is a "sub contact" of an existing contact. For example we perform work for a strata management company. Every invoice is made out to [name of strata company] but the contact details, email address and physical address are all the same - that of the management company. I would love to create [strata management company] as the main contact with all the strata "divisions" they manage below them without having to create a new contact for every single new building. What are my chances?
17 votesAppreciate where you're coming from with this idea, Kirsty.
Right now you could create a Contact Group, and have each related contact assigned to that contact group. Get what you're saying with the efficiency when having most of the same details - for now perhaps importing via csv would help create these in less time.
We also have an idea for the ability to copy a contact, and another for contact group statements that you might like to join and follow.
We'll start to get a feel of the interest for this type of feature here, and I'll let you know if there's any change planned.
Communication in email that is send with an account
Sending a statement with additional notes in the email. Is there a way to keep record of the additional notes. At the moment you only see under the contact's history and notes that a statement has been sent, but there is no record of the notes that was sent with the statement
3 votes -
Printing quotations as job sheets
It would be so helpful if tradesmen could create a printable & electronic job sheet from a quotation containing materials and time scales etc
This would be amazing as I have to use other software for this .
Wired electrical1 vote -
contact settings - add second line for contact name
hi I just spoke with one of your officers they advised I make a suggestion to improve your invoice layout
my issue is on the contact invoice contact details I would like ability to have two lines for the addressee of the invoice for example on the first line you director name and on the second line the organisation name is your department able to assist with this adjustment in the system look forward to hearing from you
directors family name line 1
organisation name Pty Ltd online 2 of the invoice
2 votes -
Global Search - is broken.
If I am searching for a customer, say EE Limited, even if I type in the full name, it won't show me the contact, but it will show me transactions.
How about always show contacts at the top?2 votes -
Show Contact Details on Customer Activity Page
I would like to be able to see the "Contact Details" as a little box on the left side of the Customer Activity Page. See my example attached.
I use the 'contact details: notes' section to add notes about some of our jobs, because the History/Notes section is useless. I would like to see the ability to move the customer tabs around and display what we want to see on the activity page.
Not every single one of my customers has an additional note, so I don't always remember to click over and double check it. I want to be…
2 votes
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