Email - Ability to cc and bcc sent emails
Ability to cc and bcc when sending emails from xero.
This would be very useful as we have many clients that like to have various other people copied in.

Hi community, we value your engagement in product ideas here. As you may have seen we've recently rolled out a new send experience in new invoicing.
With this new side-by-side view you'll find you can also CC and BCC other emails 🎉
While this feature is contained to new invoicing atm, we'll look at applying a similar experience to other areas of Xero that you can send from in the future, so we'll keep you updated of any further developments for this here. Thanks!
Sumit Khapli commented
Just adding CC without ability to automate who can be added from the list of the contacts in poinless.
Need ability to specify who from the contact list can be added in the CC for repeating invoices and the reminders
Shashwat Singh commented
Send all your xero emails from your own domain in just 2 mins. Watch demo : (No need for multiple tools, relay systems, or complicated setup)
Contact :
Marie Trott commented
Ability to add a cc in quotes would be useful.
Also, when you send an invoice to main contact and cc, the notes only show that you've sent it to the main contact and I would like to also see that is has been sent to the cc contact.
Freya Pieroz commented
Now that CC and BCC are working, I'd also like the CC'd email address to be added to the invoice's history. I've attached two screenshots. One is from my email client showing that four email addresses were recipients of the invoice, three in the to: field and one in the CC: field. The other is from the history of the invoice in question, which shows that only the three addresses in the to: field are showing up in the history.
Basically, the audit trail of recipients is erased if the recipient was CC'd.
FC Admin commented
This will give everyone more visibility. It’s an issue for us and our customers right now and is delaying payments.
We get CONSTANT complaints from customers about this.
Rachel Conroy commented
This would be great for our CRM system to have BCC emails
Any review on this? We have customers that keep coming back to us because they don't see each other in the email loop hence caused confusion on who received the email.
Currently, when a quotation is sent via Xero, only the recipient's email address is visible. However, for invoices, everyone in the loop can see other recipients' email addresses.
To ensure transparency and facilitate communication, it would be beneficial if the email addresses of all recipients could be visible when sending quotations as well.
Could you please review this matter with your team and explore the possibility of making email addresses visible to all recipients when sending quotations through Xero? This adjustment would greatly improve our communication process and enhance the overall user experience.
Gerry Davis commented
Bcc Quotes and Invoices.
Our quotes and invoices do not show on our CRM when sent from Xero as we cannot Bcc them. Come on xero. Add Bcc for quotes and invoices
Alex Hunt commented
I have a Data protection concern that is preventing me from utilising part of the Xero system for issuing statements to multiple customers by email.
Following enquiry, I have been advised by Xero customer support that the customer's email received header will show the email addresses of all recipients as the Xero email system does not automatically "BCC" to multiple recipients? I cannot see any option to select BCC during the process. I am sure you can appreciate the Data security implications of divulging client addresses to multiple recipients and I am frustrated that I am unable to utiliise this timesaving featue of Xero. I feel this needs urgent rectification, as the bulk email facility as it currently stands is not fit for purpose. -
Susan Hutchinson commented
It would be useful to be able to set up in the in voice templates that every invoice is copied to myself and for example a partner or finance. I currently have to click copy to myself on every email, and type in the name of the partner on every email. And shouldn't be in the 'to' field, they should be cc'd.