Hubdoc - Ability to also flag duplicates when the invoice number is the same
Currently Hubdoc only flags an invoice as a duplicate if the supplier, invoice date AND invoice amount exactly match. This means if any of these are adjusted or Hubdoc doesn't pick up the exact correct details, the invoice wouldn't be flagged as a duplicate and could be double booked or worse double paid.
Hubdoc should flag an invoice as a duplicate if the invoice number is the same too. Yes there are rare scenarios where two suppliers issue an invoice such as '001', but it's much better for this to be flagged as a duplicate and reviewed, than actual duplicate invoices to slip through. It's important for clients to understand we have good controls so Hubdoc must be able to flag all duplicates.

Mark Rawlings commented
Agree this is a good idea. Flagging a duplicate if the supplier and invoice number only are the same would serve 3 benefits:
1) It would still flag all the documents currently being flagged by the current rules
2) It would reduce the resources needed on the HubDoc servers
3) It would flag more documents and find potential errors, not just the "document was scanned twice" duplicates that it's currently designed to catch. -
Yubi Sah commented
Hi admin,
Would appreciate if you have any update on this.
yubraj sah commented
Quite frustrating on how the system does not flag bills with same reference. I think it is quite basic functionality to have.
If this does not get fixed, we will be forced to ditch the platform as this has costed us thousands of $$ in past.