364 results found
AU Tax - Losses carried forward - Tax (AUS)
Losses carried forward have to be manually entered each year. It would be great if the information flowed through automatically from the prior year tax return. This will help to reduce risks that someone may accidently omit or incorrectly enter losses.
163 votesThanks for sharing through the idea here, everyone. While we do roll over the losses schedules from prior year into the new year as a losses worksheet for non individual tax returns, we understand there may be more areas which we can roll this over.
It'd be of great help and appreciation from our product team if you could share more detail of the losses you're referring to and the specific tax return you'd like to see this developed for. Thanks!
New Zealand Tax - Summarised Consolidated Tax Position
Have the ability to run a report to include in the Financial Statements that is a Group Summary, so includes all selected entities within a group and details all amounts payable or refunds due for all upcoming provisional and terminal tax dates (regardless of balance date) and a Net Tax position
42 votes -
NZ tax - Run an exportable report on outstanding & mismatched transfers/refunds
Would be very beneficial to be able to run a report listing all clients who have outstanding transfers and refunds for a period (and export it). We need to be proactive and contact the IRD before they refund the client instead of actioning a transfer as requested. In APS we could pick up any mismatch early and were able to contact the IRD or the client and rectify quickly.
39 votes -
AU Tax- Ability to calculate the number of days not liable for the medicare levy surcharge
Xero Tax(AU) | Worksheet to calulate number of days not liable for M2 (Medicare levy surcharge)
When some client has more than 1 health insurance policy and the period of the same are diffrent and sometime overlapping we need the work out this manually which can sometime be wrongly caluclated and can impact the tax estimates.
Xero should have a worksheet where we can enter policy details along with perioid of coverage to that it can calculae the days acurately. Similar feature is avaialble in MYOB AO and comes in very handy.
104 votes -
NZ Tax - Correct amount when provisional tax unpaid & provisional date has passed
If a client fails to pay the first installment of provisional tax why is it then added to the next installment and then P1 shows as nothing due. This is incorrect, the amount due at P1 is still the same (per the IRD), the debt at P1 has not moved to P2. What happens for client's who have RIT over $60k?
39 votes -
NZ Tax - Transfer refunds to a provisional date that has passed
For tax returns prepared after a provisional tax date has passed and the client has a refund from the prior year, we need to be able to transfer the refund at the effective date within the tax return. If IRD do not action this then a mismatch needs to trigger an alert.
37 votes -
Xero tax: edit bulk email addresses
Please reinstate the ability to edit email addresses under the bulk email function under Tax > Payments. Depending on the type of tax notice, we have to send a tax notice to a staff member and copy in an additional person. It will not allow us to enter in a second email address under the client profile. This is very time consuming if we have to send it out twice and inefficient.
22 votes -
NZ Tax - Check of Overseas Income Jurisdiction codes to identify invalid country code
NZ Tax Audit Check of Overseas Income Jurisdiction Codes needs corrected to identify invalid country code UK and bring up a red error message. The correct code for the United Kingdom is GB not UK, the audit check should pick this up at the audit check stage which it currently does not. Thus when we go to file the return the return goes in to error as the jurisdiction code is invalid.
60 votes -
Individual Income Tax Return - Future Year Return - Tax Rate
When preparing future year return, in my case, FY2025 tax return for one individual client, even though it shows 2025 tax year, Xero tax is actually FY2024 tax rate for calculation. So the result is not accurate. Will Xero Tax fix this issue in the future?
14 votes -
NZ Tax - Ability to import settlor information to IR6
When Settlor relationship exists for a client, this needs to flow through automatically to the IR6 in the same way that Beneficiary relationships do.
31 votes -
AU Tax - Trust Income Schedule
I'm completing my first Trust ITR for 2024, and inputting info into the new Trust Income Schedule.
The Non-PP income flows through to Item 8, but the Capital Gain isn't flowing through to Item 21...
WHY do you insist on SO MUCH double entry??!?
It's not even throwing an error, like the 'Managed Fund' schedule does in an Individual ITR??
28 votesAppreciate the conversations here. The other idea linked in this conversation that we delivered on was for the ability for information to flow from the Trust Return(TRT) to Individual Returns(ITR) which is facilitated with the Trust Income Schedule,
This is slightly different in that you're wanting information from the CGT worksheet to flow through to a TRT.
Right now non ITR's will need to create a CGT worksheet after the Trust Income Schedule, we appreciate wanting to see further improvement in this space for non ITR's to create a CGT event in a worksheet. It's something we looking to implement in the future but don't have a timeframe on atm. I'll let you know here if there are any changes. Thanks
Xero tax- Rental Property Schedules sharing
The fact that it's so hard to get a rental property schedule to share from one return to the selected second client is very very very very annoying. If there were a button we could press to manually ask it to share across that would save endless saving, closing, opening, closing the whole program, turning off your computer and leaving my desk in frustration.
14 votes -
NZ Tax - IR7 ability to have a group schedule for allocating income and tax credits to partners
Make a schedule for allocating partner income and tax credits allocations with a total giving the ability to allocate income on the one page. Currently you have to go into each partner schedule. There is not always an even split of income and with many partner entities it is very time consuming.
30 votes -
Xero tax: live updates from IRD
In APS you have the ability to live synch the tax ledger. As an example a transfer to 2025 from 2024 income tax made today won't show until the next day in the tax return summary.
A synch button to do this would be helpful and save time from stopping the job until the next day to print/save9 votes -
Access lost to all Xero tax reports if Xero sub cancelled
We've just found out to our horror that we lose access to ALL Xero historic accounts and tax filings prepared and submitted through Xero Tax for a client if the Xero sub is cancelled.
Apparently this is because Xero needs to maintain access to the live data even for filed returns. Therefore, there has to be a process where ALL accounts and tax comps must be downloaded and stored elsewhere each year. We think that's crazy and that all filed returns should be stored in Xero Tax as PDFs. If nothing else, there should be a flag warning us! This…11 votes -
NZ Tax - Ability to identify payment plan with IR
Would be great to have the ability in XPM tax to identify if the client has a payment arrangement with IR. If there is somewhere in tax we can enter this information and this gets flagged when approving the tax payment letter, not to send the letter if the tax year is under arrangement.
31 votes -
NZ tax- Create tax returns for a future period
NZ Tax - Can we get the ability to create a future period tax return using the current years format. We would still need to submit the return manually through the IRD. It would be much simpler to create a draft in Xero instead of using the PDF versions from the IRD.
7 votes -
UK Tax | Company - Liquidation & Cessation Accounts and CT Returns
Please add the functionality to set a cessation of trade date for a company in liquidation or in the insolvency process to allow for accounts and corporation tax returns to be produced from the last year end to the date of cessation of trade/insolvency.
This will enable Accountants to produce these closing accounts and CT returns from HMRC and so offer a one stop shop and earn more revenue.
40 votes -
Xero tax: Display the financial year when lodging a CURNN
Currently when producing and filing (lodging) a CURNN is does not display the Financial Year it relates to. It would be very helpful to have the FY displayed so it is easily identifiable. The same as all the other Tax Returns.
10 votes -
Forward preparation of tax reurns for companies deregistering and deceased estates
There is an inability to prepare and lodge income tax returns for the forward 2025 year for companies and trusts including deceased estates.
In regard to companies deregistering in the 2024/2025 tax year or wanting to deregister in that year, the company cannot do a 2024/25 tax return after deregistration as the ATO will not accept a lodgment after the date of deregistration as it is considered by the ATO to no longer exist. Companies cannot do a 2024/25 tax return before deregistration as Xero do not have this function available.
This functionality needs to be urgently implemented.
Our previous…6 votes
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